Chapter 4, Protection

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Later that day, Karin walked into an apparent Soul Reaper meeting in the living room as they all stared at her, four faces she did not recognize.

"Where's Yuzu?" Karin asks looking around, she expected her sister to be here cooking dinner or cleaning or something like usual, so it was a surprise that she wasn't. Not to mention how quiet it was, which could only mean that their dad wasn't home either.

"Clinic meeting with Dad in the next town over, they won't be back for at least a week." Ichigo answers her before adding, "you're lucky you weren't here or dad probably would have drug you along too."

Karin cringes, "lucky me then." She says, causing a silence to spread over the entire room, there was something he still wasn't saying, and she had a feeling that she wasn't at all going to like what he was to say next.

And she was right.

Ichigo then clears his throat, interrupting the silence that had settled over the room, "listen Karin, there's a new threat, and because you have high spirit energy it's likely that you will be a target. So I think it best if you have someone to watch over you, someone to protect you."

'What?!' Karin thought, 'where the hell was this coming from?'

Silence hung in the air, the tension so think it was like they were being smothered in a black cloud.

Karin grits her teeth, glare deadly as she meets Ichigo's gaze head on, "you want to assign me a damn babysitter!" She kept her voice low and calm, a steel edge to it.

"It's not like that Karin," Toshiro adds, causing Karin to glance in his direction." Her eyes like fire as she stared at him.

"You knew?"

"It was my idea." He meets her fierce gaze head on, not Breaking eye contact for even a second.

She glares hard at him, "what?" Her voice took on a harshness as they stared each other down, neither giving yield, and both too stubborn for their own good.

"It was my idea," Toshiro repeats with confidence before continuing, "you have extremely high spirit energy Karin, If our enemy is targeting those with high spirit energy then you for sure will be a target."

"I can handle myself just fine!" She snaps.

"Can you?" He challenges, eyes narrowed.

'Damn him!' Thought Karin, he very well knew that she could handle herself, so why was he doing this?

"How do you even know that this enemy is targeting or will be targeting those with high spirit pressure?" She asks with a huff of anger, and she hoped they could all feel the amount of rage that she was radiating right now.

"We don't for sure," Toshiro sighs, knowing an argument was about to ensue.

"So then I'm safe."

"But," adds in Ichigo, "it's better to be safe than sorry. You're not safe Karin, none of us are safe, not when we don't anything about our enemy."

He had a point.

Except that Karin knew a bit more than they did about their foe, not only that, but she could connect with them too, she could get inside their head. She could throw them off their game. That was why right now she is the Soul Reaper's most deadly weapon, and they didn't even know it.

"Whatever." Karin rolls her eyes before turning around, "I'm going upstairs." Rather than just standing here arguing with them she could be spending her time doing better things. Like trying to figure out who this enemy is and what they were really after.

Found(A HitsuKarin Fanfic) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now