Chapter 8, Karin Revealed

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Karin climbs back up, and once at the top she hears Ichigo.

"Where is she Toshiro? You were supposed to take the first watch!" Ichigo shouts causing Toshiro to roll his eyes.

Karin sighs while walking into the room, alerting everyone of her presence, and like the worried overprotective brother he is, rushes over to her.

"Are you alright Karin?" He asks, then turning to glare at Toshiro adds, "why in the hell would you even think about bringing her here!?" He was furious while the others just watched in silence. When it came to protecting his family, he'd never let anything happen to them.

"It was necessary." Toshiro simply responds, meeting Ichigo's cold stare, he couldn't protect her forever, and Ichigo needed to know that. Toshiro wanted to protect her just as bad, but even he now knew that he couldn't, it didn't matter how much he tried, Karin would have to stand on her own two feet in the battle that was soon to come. But despite everything, Toshiro knew one thing for certain, that no matter what, at whatever the cost, he would stand with her.

Ichigo grits his teeth, "in what way was it necessary?"

"Enough!" Karin steps in between them, the air so thick it was practically smothering to her, she could feel every single one their emotions, hear their thoughts even, and she had to close her eyes and take a deep breath, letting it out before she spoke again. "We have three day until our enemy shows up! Are you two going to spend that time arguing, or are you going to listen to me?" She snaps, she needed their attention on this, otherwise they'd all be dead soon.

They all stare at her in shocked silence.

"Well..." Kisuke smirks, "looks like we have a lot to discuss."

"Everyone sit down!" Yoruichi commands.

"What? You can't just..._"

"Sit down!" Karin interrupts her brother before he can finish.

"Karin, do you know what's going on here?" He asks confused, but complies to her wishes by sitting with everyone else.

She nods, confusing him even more.

Kisuke steps back while looking at her, "it's all you." He says giving her the room.

"Alright," Karin speaks loudly, her voice confident and strong as they listen closely to what she has to say. "Our enemies are making a move, and we're all sitting ducks if we don't find a way to stop them. We're running out of time, they will be here in three days, and their leader is very powerful; She has the ability to drain spirit energy. Not just that, but she can manipulate it to do what she wants." Karin gives them a moment to take this in.

They all stare at her for a full minute before voicing their thoughts.

"Pardon me, but how do you know all this?" Captain Ukitake is the first to speak.

Karin did not know him, but she did recognize his spiritual pressure as one of the two Soul Reaper captains that were here when she was training.

"Who are you?" Karin flat out asks.

To her surprise, he smiles kindly and replies in a gentle tone, "I am Jushiro Ukitake. And this..." He continues pointing to a man next to him waring a pink kimono with flowers on it, "Is Shunsui Kyoraku."

"And them?" She asks pointing to a spikey haired man, and a little pink haired girl sitting on his shoulder.

"I'm Yachiru!" The little girl jumps down happily, "and this is Kenny!"

Found(A HitsuKarin Fanfic) BOOK 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon