Chapter 18, It's Time

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Karin took a breath and suddenly all of her emotions came pouring out of her like a tidal wave all at once.

'Control,' she thought; There was so much more to her power than even she herself knew, and she would always be at war with some part of herself, constantly fighting her demons.

Out of everything, Karin knew that her greatest weapon was and always will be her mind.

"Let it all out Karin." Yoruichi tells her, tightening her hold on Karin's hands, "It's all been building for so long, too long don't hold it all in anymore, don't hold back, just explode Karin."

"What if I'm afraid?" Karin couldn't lie to herself anymore, she would always be afraid of what lay inside of her, just beneath the surface, but maybe if she learned to understand herself better than she wouldn't be so frightened of her power, maybe she could show her demons that she was an angel. That the light inside her was stronger than her darkness, the very darkness that terrified her to the core of her being.

And of course, what could Yoruichi answer with but the truth, plain and simple, "Don't be Scared Karin, you are always going to be a bomb, the only difference is that you can control when, where, and how powerful you want to explode. You can choose who get's hurt and who doesn't."

"What if I mess up?" There it was again, that doubt deep inside pouring to the surface, the doubt in her own skill and power, the doubt in herself.

"You won't."

"And if I do?"

"You won't."

"How do you know?" Karin questions.

"Because you are the only limit to you own capabilities, you can give in and let your demons pull you into darkness, or...You can light your own match and set fire to your already bright and burning spirit. You need to be a fire they can't put out."

'You can do it.' Shionnei encourages her.

'What if I hesitate and in doing so I scare the very people I've been trying so hard to protect?' Karin asks her Zanpakto.

'Someone is always going to be afraid of you Karin, afraid of who you are, what you are, and what you can do, but the people you are trying so hard to protect love you back regardless. They have terrified their enemies with their power, and they have terrified themselves, just like you Karin. The only difference between you and Shikone is that she gave into her demons, instead of fighting against or with them, she became them. She became the monster of her own making.' Shionnei reassures her, and Karin smiles, taking a breath while closing her eyes as she releases all of the pent up energy she's been holding back for the past year. All of her emotions just pouring out, all of her rage, her hatred and jealousy, her pity and sadness, her love and happiness, she allows herself to finally feel it all, and to release it all at once.

She heard, felt, and saw everything around her, now so much stronger than before, and as if it were the air itself, she breathed it all in willingly, letting it all cascade over her like a waterfall.

And for the first time in her life, she wasn't scared, for the first time since her powers began to develop she felt at peace with herself, she felt, she understood, she listened, she cared, she saw, she knew.

Snapping her eyes open as they glowed red with her spirit pressure, she turned everything she was feeling into pure raw energy.

And like a sound wave, she lets loose a powerful blast of telepathic energy, killing every Hollow in Karakura town, but leaving every human, soul, soul Reaper, and person she cared about untouched.

Found(A HitsuKarin Fanfic) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now