Chapter 20, The Choice!

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Allekata stares at the scene before her, unable to look away, her eyes wide.

"That's so cruel, why would they go to such lengths?"

"To keep your people from repopulating, anything or anyone that could potentially be stronger than them, that could come back and bite them in the ass scares them. Neither of us are fools, we both know that the Soul Reapers are corrupt, that they have made many mistakes they refuse to acknowledge. Even so though, they have gotten better, and not all of them are bad, and what Shikone is doing is wrong. She is putting innocent lives at risk just for the sake of revenge."

They both watch as Shikone stands beside a man, a Soul Reaper with a twisted smile on his face before them. The look in Shikone's eyes was that of fear, this was before she had regained any of her powers back and she was defenseless.

They watch as the man steps forward trying to reason with the Soul Reaper, "please." He says, "We have done nothing to deserve this. We only want peace."

"That's my Father, I just know it is." Allekata looks at him with sadness swimming in her wide eyes.

Karin says nothing as they only continue to watch.

The Soul Reaper only laughs, "there can be no peace with freaks like you running around."

"Your people created us! We exist because of you!" Shikone shouts on the verge of tears, voice angry and desperate. All she wanted was for the man to hear her, to listen, but that would never be the case, because with the Soul Reapers it was like she had no voice at all. She could plead and cry, but all they would ever hear is white noise, like an annoying fly just buzzing right by your ear.

"I don't give a damn who created you, all I know is that I didn't do it, but I will be the one to end you."

"Please!" Shikone begs, "you have already stripped me of my power and trapped me and my people here in this barren waste land of hell! What have we ever done to any of you to get this treatment?!"

The Soul Reaper snarls, menacing and ugly, "you exist."

'That's a bit harsh.' Karin thought.

'Something tells me that this isn't even the beginning.' Shionnei voices.

Shikone shakes her head, and the man beside her pushes her behind him in rapid succession just as the Soul Reaper charges at them, Zanpakto drawn and ready.

The blade pierces through the man's stomach, causing blood to spew out of his mouth and gut, falling in a pool of red that stains the barren dirt ground beneath them.

Allekata gasps as tears fall freely down her face. She had not yet seen the damage that war could do, or the agony it could cause. She did not know the hate it could instill, however, Karin hoped that in the end she would make the right choice, that she would choose to be better.

They watched as the Soul Reaper yanked his sword from the man and the man turned to ash before their very eyes. And they watched when Shikone fell to her knees in shock, tears cascading down her pale cheeks. This was the day when her hate for the Soul Reapers truly began to fester.

"My God." Allekata finally speaks, "it's no wonder Shikone hates them so much, they're monsters."

"Not all of them." Karin tells her, "people in general are ugly, but it's always our choices, ad our actions that define us. What makes a monster is not what we are, it is what we choose, and how we choose to do it. Yes that man is a monster," Karin locks eyes with Allekata, "but if Shikone kills him, kills his kind, then what makes her any better than him?"

Found(A HitsuKarin Fanfic) BOOK 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu