Chapter 6, You Are Not A Weapon

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When they arrived at Kisuke's shop, they saw that he stood waiting for them, his face a hard mask. Nodding silently to each other they follow him inside and he turns to look at them.

"I felt your spiritual energies headed here, I figured something might be up, and by looks on both your faces, I assume that I was right." He simply says before casting a glance at Karin and asking, "does he know?"

She nods, "yes, and we've got trouble, big trouble. The enemy will be here in three days, and they intend to drain all the spirit energy from those with high spiritual pressure. There is a seal on their leader and hey intend to break it." She explains.

Kisuke narrows his eyes while cupping his chin in thought, "you should try to connect with them on your own, find out who and what they are."

Karin groans, "you mean meditate, you want me to get inside their heads." She knew this was going to be what he would say, but that didn't mean she liked the idea of it, she hated having to meditate. Yes, it calmed the voices, the thoughts of others swarming inside her head, the memories she never wanted to see, but still she didn't like it because in that moment while she was meditating she knew she was vulnerable, and she hated being weak for even a fraction of a second. She hated not being able to fight back.

Kisuke gives a sly smirk, "precisely, we need to be ready for them, and right now, you, Karin Kurosaki are the Soul Reapers greatest weapon."

Karin rolls her eyes while Toshiro stiffens, his fists clenching at his sides.

"I already knew that," she says causing Toshiro to quickly turn to her, weather she wanted to admit it or not, having these abilities, being able to hear people's thoughts, see their memories, being able to get inside their head made her both a target and a weapon of great power.

"You aren't a weapon Karin," Toshiro grits out, face hard, eyes angry, then turning to Kisuke he adds, "she is not a weapon." Yes she was strong, and maybe he had no idea how truly powerful she really was, but even so, it was not fair to her, she was still just a child, even fourteen now she was still just a kid, she shouldn't have to be a weapon. The responsibility of rather they all made it out alive shouldn't have to be on her shoulders.

"Call the others on your Soul Phone, it's time they all knew the truth, about everything, our enemy is on the way, and it's our job to stop them." Karin responds confidently, masking the fear she felt under a cold mask, a façade she needed to stay confident.

Toshiro's eyes darken, "you are not a weapon!" If there is anything he can convince of, it need to be this, because rather he wanted to admit it or not, she meant the world to him, and he'd be damned if he let anything happen to her. A weapon meant you were important only in the moment that it was needed, something that could be disposed of the second it is no longer needed. Karin is not something, she is not a thing, she is a person, and she is a Soul Reaper, but she is not a weapon. He needed her to believe this.

Meeting his turquoise eyes she gives him a soft smile, "I'll be whatever they need me to be if it saves everyone."

Toshiro grits his teeth as his fists clench, 'damn Urahara!' He thought angrily, he didn't want this for her, it wasn't fair!

He didn't know the extent of how strong of a Soul Reaper she was, but he knew one thing for sure, that he would do everything in his power to ensure that she would not be a weapon for them. She would have a part in all of this of course, and he could never tell her not to fight because that would go against everything that makes her Karin Kurosaki, but he would see to it that she was protected. 

'She was naieve,' he thought, Karin had only been a Soul Reaper for nine months, she'd been up against hollows sure, but she has never faced a real enemy before and she couldn't just go in guns blazing. Toshiro wouldn't let her, he decided. He would not let her be a sacrifice.

He looks at her, gaze softening, "are you really going to tell everyone Karin?" He asks her.

She nods, fire in her eyes, "it's time they know, we don't have time to wait around, especially when we don't know anything about our enemy."

"Which is why you need to go meditate," Kisuke adds, "see if you can connect with their wavelength, get inside their head."

Karin frowns, "yeah yeah, I know, I'm on it," then looking back at Toshiro says, "tell the others to get over here, I'll be down in the underground training area meditating until they get here."

Toshiro sighs, "alright, if this is what you want, good luck."

Karin gives a small smile, "thank you Toshiro." She nods before going into the underground basement.

Authors Note:

Sorry it's a bit short, next chapter will be longer though, I'm so excited to write it, so you guys might get an early upadte, no promises, but I have a four day weekend, lots of ideas, and time on my hands.

Anyway, hope you guys like this chapter, it's not much, but I didn't just want to straight up jump right into all the the drama, I wanted a build up.

Let me know what you all think.

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