Chapter 10, Rest Easy

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"So, any takers? I'm itching for a good fight." Karin grins, it was clear to all of them that her spiritual pressure was already that of a captain, but that pegged the question...Could she fight like one?

"I'll fight you." Ichigo blurts, he didn't quite like the idea of fighting his little sister, but he needed to see first hand what she could do. He needed to see how strong she truly was.

"No," Toshiro shakes his head as Ichigo turns to face him, "if you fight her you'll just go easy on her because you will be too afraid of hurting her." He reasons before meeting Karin's gaze, "I'll spar with you."

"Ah, ah, ah," Kisuke gives a sly smirk, "You'll want to go easy on her as well, because you care about her deeply. We need someone who won't hold back on her." He glances over at Kenpachi, ignoring the blushing Toshiro, and Karin. "Kenpachi Zaraki, will you have a go with her?"

"No." Both Ichigo and Toshiro reply instantly.

Kenpachi though only laughs, "I'll fight her. Sounds like fun honestly, especially if anywhere ner as strong as her brother."

"I said no!" Ichigo's glare is intense, "No way in hell am I going to let you fight my little sister!"

"I believe who I choose to fight is my choice, and I agree." Karin faces Ichigo's glare head on, eyes full of fire and voice confident as she continues, "If it looks like thing are getting out of hand, then you are more than capable of stopping it I'm sure. Karin stares hard into his cold glare, but beneath those eyes she saw a fear he so desperately tried to hide. No, she didn't just see it...She felt it.

A sigh has them all turning to Toshiro, "I don't like this idea, but if you feel confident enough to fight him, then I won't get in your way or try to stop you."

"You can't be serious Toshiro!?" Ichigo turns his piercing gaze on him, eyes filled with anger.

Kenpachi laughs again, finding all of this amusing; "Don't worry, I won't kill her or anything."

"That being said," Toshiro adds seriously, his voice taking on a hard edge as he locks eyes with Kenpachi, "if you hurt her in any way, shape, or form...I will kill you myself."

It's silent, the atmosphere of the room suddenly feeling thick, the silence nearly suffocating, everyone taking in the absolute seriousness of Toshiro's words.

"I'll help." Ichigo chimes, suddenly breaking the intense silence.

Kenpachi though, only laughs.

Ichigo had his obvious reasons why he wanted to protect Karin, but it became increasingly clear to everyone that Toshiro cared very deeply for Karin. And they all wanted to see what would become of it, how far they would take their relationship.

"Everyone hold on for a minute," Yoruichi steps forward, "it's getting late, and we're all tired, so perhaps it would be a good idea to put this fight on hold until the morning. That way everyone can get some rest and wake up recharged and at full compacity."

It's silent for a moment while they all take in her words.

"This sounds like a smart idea." Captain Ukitake nods in thought.

Kisuke sighs in disappointment, "Yoruichi makes a good point; why don't we reconvene tomorrow morning, and then Karin, and Kenpachi can duke it out. For now though, everyone needs to get some rest.

They all agree.

"Toshiro?" Ichigo asks as they all stand up to leave, "will you be staying at my place?"

"Where's he going to sleep?" Rukia questions, she would obviously be sleeping in Ichigo's closet.

"He can stay in my room." Karin offers, causing Toshiro to blush and Ichigo to glare at them both.

"No way in hell!"

Karin rolls her eyes at her brothers overprotectiveness, "it'll be fine. He's staying and that's that." Karin met his gaze straight on, daring him to challenge her. She would argue with him all night if she had to.

Ichigo's eyes narrowed, "fine. But if I hear anything other than sleeping going in there, then I will kick his ass out on the streets!" He relents.

Karin and Toshiro both roll their eyes at him.


"Alright Toshiro, you can sleep in Yuzu's bed since she'll be gone for a few days." Karin tells him, meanwhile Ichigo is standing, leaning up against the door of her room, eyes narrowed, face set in a hard mask, and arms crossed.

Ichigo clearly did not like this idea at all, but he agree to it only because he trusted Karin not to do anything stupid, and he trusted Toshiro not to take advantage of his little sister.

Toshiro sighs while looking at her, "are you sure you are comfortable with this? Me staying in the same room as you, and sleeping in your sisters bed?" Toshiro asks her. He needed to make sure that she was for sure okay with this.

"It's fine." Karin waves him off, then glancing at her brother she adds sassily, "don't you have something better to do than stand there and watch us?"

Ichigo eyes Toshiro, "Make one wrong move and I'll kill you." His voice is hard, eyes, cold, devoid of any and all emotion, and with that he walks away, leaving them both alone together, but not before they hear him shout, "and leave the door open!"

"I don't think he wants me sleeping in here with you." Toshiro gives a sly smile, his tone light, playful.

"Really?" Karin's voice takes on a sarcastic tone, "What gave you that idea?"

They both look at each, both of them drawn into each other gaze...And then they laugh.

"Good night Karin." Toshiro smiles softly.

"Good night Toshiro." Karin responds and turns the light of before getting into her own bed.

Authors Note:

Sorry it's a bit late, but I was out with my fiancée having a nice time, and we went out to dinner. But as promised the chapter is up, hope you enjoy.

What do you guys think will happen next?

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