Chapter 15, Slay The Hollow

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Karin brings down the cage she has the Hollow trapped in, releasing it as immediately the hollow acts, gong for a sedo, but it isn't as powerful as before with six of its souls missing.

Karin confidently takes the sedo head on, the others watching while it slowly fizzles out right after it is shot.

"Did it just suddenly get weaker?" She hears Renji ask, his voice confused.

'So I was right.' Karin thought, they had no clue at all that she had been inside the Hollow. For them it was like she had never even left, like this is what she had been doing, where she had been all along.

Karin tried not to think about what that meant. About how or why?

Instead, she looked at the Hollow with sad eyes, thinking of the cruel and ugly way in which it was created, thinking about the souls that had been trapped inside of it like slaves, thinking of the one soul that was still trapped inside of it.

'Just hang on Jillianna.' She thinks, 'I'm going to save you.'

'We're going to save her, both of us.' Shionnei adds, causing Karin to smile, reassured that no matter what may lie ahead, of them, what difficulties they might face, what hardships they might have to fight through, Shionnei would always be by her side. This, Karin was certain of.

'Kill it just like any other Hollow. No hesitation, no fear.' Shionnei tells her.

'Right!' Replies Karin while charging forward, dodging every attack thrown at her.

Out of Darkness and pure raw hatred this monster was born. Out of Compassion, and the need to protect it would die.

Shikone. So strived for vengeance that she would literally do anything to get out, to be free, to gain her power back. Even if it meant that she'd have to sacrifice her own people to do it.

'Hear me.' Karin thought, 'Shikone, don't let you own darkness overtake you, don't fight for revenge, fight for the freedom of your people!' She hoped with all of her soul and with everything she had to give that Shikone had received her message and that she would hear it and listen. That she would realize the reality of what she has truly done.

'That's new,' Shionnei adds.

'What's new?' Karin asks.


'I commune with you telepathically all of the time.' Karin points out.

'That's different. All Soul reaper have the ability to communicate telepathically with their Zanpakto.' Shionnei replies, and Karin could almost imagine Shionnei rolling her eyes.

'Fair point, but that aside, we have a Hollow to defeat, and a Soul to save.'

'Agreed. Also, you are aware that she lied to us, yes?'  Shionnei questions.

'yes.' Answers Karin, 'but I agreed to let her stay behind because I found another way.' There was always another way, if there was one thing that she had learned from Ichigo, it was for sure that. No matter what, he always found another way.

'As I suspected,' Shionnei replied, 'you plan to kill the Hollow, and at the last second yank her soul free and quickly perform a konso.'


No matter the cost, Karin was going to save her, Jillianna had lied to them, She said that by killing the Hollow her soul would be set free, but that wasn't true at all. Jillianna had plans to take the thing down into hell with her.

"Let's do this!" Karin states aloud before charging toward the rampaging Hollow that had just knocked a light pole down. The loud crash reverberating the whole ground beneath them.

It was clear that its strength came from Jillianna, though it was much weaker, it still had a lot of brute force.

Karin jumps up, and with one single strike, she slices straight through the Hollow, quickly jerking Jillianna's soul from it as it begins to fade away, and in quick succession Karin does a Konso on her, Jillianna's eyes wide as Karin removes the hilt of her sword from her head.

"You lied to us." Karin says, face hard.

"How did you know?" Jillianna asks, her whole body slowly beginning to fade away.

"I read your thoughts."



"And you found another way."

"I did."

Jillianna smiles, "I am glad that you managed to find another way, but please keep in mind that you cannot save everyone." Her voice gets quieter as she fade out, "I wish you good luck Karin Kurosaki."

Karin shakes her head, of course she knew he couldn't save everyone, but she sure as hell was going to try. Hatred only breeds more, corruption can drive any sane person insane, just as it had done with Shikone.

"What the hell was that?!" Renji questions wide eyed, while the others stood very confused.

Karin turns to face them, "Let's all go back to Kisuke's and I'll explain it there." With nothing more to say she flash steps away, back to the candy shop.

They all agree, Following her back to Kisuke's.


Back at Kisuke's, they all sat waiting for Karin to explain to them what had just conspired. It had felt like something big had happened and they had absolutely no idea what it was.

Karin looked them over.

'Where Should we start Shionnei?' She wonders. How could she make them understand what she was about to tell them.

'Always at the beginning. Understanding comes with first knowing everything.' Shionnei replied.

Karin takes a breath, then she begins, "I went inside the Hollow."

"What?!" Everyone exclaims in unison and Karin shot them a look instantly shutting them up.

"Anyways, as I was saying, I went inside the Hollow, and when I did I think that time might have stopped. The Hollow was composed of seven Souls, all trapped inside of it with a seal, chains of pure raw hatred holding them in place. You should have seen them, they were all so broken. I freed them, but in order for them to be truly free, one of them had to stay behind. After I returned, I killed the hollow and in order to save Jillianna I had to jerk her soul from the dying Hollow and perform a Konso on her as fast as possible." Karin explains, and before they decide to interrupt her again, she adds, "Their leader Shikone, is so strived for revenge, so driven with rage and power that she is actually going as far to slaughter her own people to create this monster Hollow so she can gain power and be free. She has lost all reason, doesn't care about the consequences." Karin finally finishes.

"How long do we have?" Toshiro asks, their eyes meeting.

"As of now, only a day and a half, maybe less if she keeps gaining power by taking from what is left of her very own people.

Authors Note: Well that's it. sorry it's a bit short, but next chapter will longer, sorry to carry the whole defeating the Hollow thing out.

Hope you guys enjoy, and please remember to



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