Chapter 16,Betrayal

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That night Karin lay in her bed, Toshiro sleeping soundly in her sister's bed beside her. It would be a nice and perfect night if she didn't have so many voices practically shouting in her head.

Then she feel it, a splitting pain through her head; She sighs, but she knows what is coming, she can feel it, feel it nagging at the back of her head, and she knows that the longer she kept herself from being pulled into it the more painful it would be.

'But damn it!'

Just for once she wanted to be able to choose, to choose what she saw, what she heard, what she felt!

That would never be the case though, she would never be able to choose; life wasn't ever fair like that. And yet, even knowing that, she fought the vision with everything she had in her, her body tense, breaths coming out in uneven puffs.

'No!' She thought, 'why did it always have to be this way?!'

When she hears rustling from behind her she curses in her head, trying to calm her breathing.


'Damn it!' She hadn't wanted to wake him up.

A shock of pain shoots through her entire body, then seconds late the bed dips, and she feels his hand move the hair from her face.

"Karin?" He says, voice soft.

She does not answer, she can't, no matter how hard she tries.

She snaps her eyes shut, breathing deeply, the vision threatening to take hold any minute now.

"Karin?" He says again, concern lacing his tone as he pulls her close to him.

She could feel his fear, his worry, his need for her to be okay...And yet she could do nothing to reassure him, she could not even utter a single word.

'Stop fighting it Karin, the more you fight it, the more pain it will cause you, and the more worried he will get. You must, see, you must feel, and you must listen.' Shionnei tells her, voice hard, 'I do not care if it isn't fair, I do not care if you do not want to! You were given this gift for a reason, and the longer you spend fighting it, fighting against your own powers, the deeper you will fall into the darkest parts of yourself!'

Karin takes a calming breath, eyes remaining closed; Shionnei was right, if Karin didn't get ahold of herself, then she could lose herself entirely. It wasn't easy being an Empath, it was maddening even, but if she fought her own power, her own mind, then she could fall so far down into the madness that she could end up like Shikone.

And she would never allow that to happen.

Karin evens out her breathing, allowing for the vision to finally pull her in.

They are inside of a weird looking chamber, Shikone and Resilla standing before a young girl who looked to be not much younger than Karin herself, her blue eyes aglow, white blonde hair hanging waves over her face.

Karin wondered if Shikone was going to sacrifice another soul, and yet somehow this seemed different.

"Allekata, there are some things that you must know, things that I must tell you. If you stand against me then you will be sacrificed, but if you stand and fight with me then you will earn your freedom." Shikone tells the girl, and Karin cold feel a fear deep inside the girl, but at the same time, she could also feel anger, thick and suffocating.

"You sacrificed my mother and little brother! Why should I follow you, why should I listen to you? I thought you were supposed to be our great and powerful leader, but in truth you are nothing more than a coward!"

Found(A HitsuKarin Fanfic) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now