Chapter 13

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It's been a week since Luke has passed away and I feel worse now then I did before. I miss everything about Luke his laugh his smile his eyes his quiff even how he burbs just to annoy me. Everyone says time heals all but not in this case time is making everything worse. I just want to give up I want my best friend again. I turned over to face my wall and hug my pillow tighter to my chest. Today was the day I try to get better. I'm going to spend the day with Mikey and I'm going to be happy.

"Hey babe."
"Hi" I say as I sit up to great my favorite and we'll only person I know with yellow ish green hair.
"How you feeling?"
"Um I'm feeling ok things are still hard for me yeah no I haven't cried this much in my entire life that i don't think I have any more tears to cry. Luke wouldn't want this anyway he wouldn't want me sad so I'm done being sad I'm going to remember the good and forget the bad because I promised him that he wouldn't be forgotten."
"I'm happy to know you are going to be or try to be happy." He says as he straddles my waist.
"Mikey no I know what you want and we can't Luke just died for gods sake we can't."
"Babe Luke is probably up there looking down us chanting for us to fuck."
I let out a little laugh and kiss Mikey's soft lips instantly feeling better. After a little while of making out one thing lead to another and we were both panting as he pulled out of me. "Shit!" I scream when I realized the mistake we made. "what?"
"You didn't use a condom Mikey!"
"You will be fine babe I promise now let's watch a movie." I sighed and pulled on my underwear and bra and Mikey's shirt and walked to the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet and heard a small chuckle. Not just any chuckle Luke's chuckle. "Luke?"
"The one and only babe." I look up to see a faded Luke standing in front of me. I wipe my eyes vigorously and look back up to see he's gone. God I'm going crazy. I finished up my business and laid back in bed with Mikey.

"I'll text you and call you and watch you through the window like the stalker I am."
"Mikey my mom is going to come up here in like 2 seconds get out." I pushed his chest lightly making him laugh and pull me in for on final kiss.

I pull out my phone and call tabby I've missed her so much. "Hey" I quietly say into the phone. "hi how you been."
"I've been ok I guess I miss him so much how have you been."
"My god I've been so bad I loved him vi I loved him so much and he's gone."
"I know but tabby listen he is up there watching us cry right now and we knew Luke better then anyone would he want this would he want us to cry and be sad because the Luke I know wouldn't not at all."
"Your right he wouldn't."
"Let's remember him in a positive way not negative yeah know what I'm going to watch all his favorite films this is going to be my way of saying good bye to Luke and telling my self I won't cry anymore."
"Mind if I come over I could really use a pep talk like the one you gave yourself."
"Of course I'm going to take a shower and get the films ready be over in like an hour yeah?"
"Sounds great see you then."

I hung up my phone and looked at the clock on my bedside table. It says 12:18 so I have till 1:18 to be ready. "Mum?"
I call from under my covers. "yes"
"Can tabby come over at 1:18 ish."
"Yes flower I'll be working are you feeling any better?"
"Can we talk about it his later please."
"Of course." She said and I heard the clicking of here heels lead her to the front door and the door slam behind here.

After a 5minute battle with my self I decided to get up and take a shower because I probably stink because of what me and Mikey just did. A smile crosses my face as I think about what just happened that was me and Mikey's first time.

When I finish scrubbing my body clean and my hair and shaving I get out of the shower and brush my teeth. "Violet!" Ashton calls me from the my bed room door. "I'm coming hold on."
I spit into the sink and rinse my mouth out and my tooth brush before opening my bed room door to talk to Ashton.

"What's up?" I say when he gives me a look like something is weird.
"You look happy what happened?"
"I can't be happy?"
"No you know that's not what I meant I mean you have been sad and now you took a shower and are smiling what happened."
"Well Mikey was here and-" I was caught off guard when Ashton took my face in his hands and turned my head from side to side and was basically inspecting me.
"You are smiling you took a shower your eyes are bright you have scratches on you back did he fuck you?"
I blush at the statement and look away from Ashton trying my best to lie.
"Oh god no Ashton what are you talking about I didn't fuck Mikey."
"Yes you so did you suck at lying you banged my best friend ugh that's nasty."
"Get out of my room now." I say in a awkward voice.
"That would explain all the noise the bed was making." He smirks playfully.
And I return the smirk and say 'I'm glad you think it's so funny that your twin just had sex with one of your best friends ash but if you don't mind I think I'm ready for round 2 bye now."

When the door is shut I laugh as hard as I can his face was slightly a gape and he looked so mad my god that was so good if only Luke was here to see it. My heart broke a little more when I thought about it but I remembered he is watching over me now. I look up at the ceiling and say 'did you see that his face was priceless god I miss you Luke so much.' The tears started to fall once again as I drop to the floor and hold my chest. "Don't cry over me I'm still here I still love you your still my best friend and you will come to me soon just don't cry."
"You can hear me?"
" I can see you this can't be happening I'm going crazy."
"How the fuck do you hear me? Can you see me to?"
"This isn't happening to me I am going crazy i need to be put in a hospital right now Ashton!"
"What are you doing shut up we need to figure this out if you can see me that means that I'm not moved on or what ever and that means we can talk still. I can still see you it's like I'm not dead!"
"Luke you are dead I watched you die Luke I said goodbye well no I said see you later but still I saw you there dead."
"I know I am dead but I mean you can still see me so we can talk."
"Good I've missed you so much Luke."
"I've missed you to." I stood up from my floor and hugged him. I watch my fair share of shows and I know I should have felt nothing but I did I felt Luke. "I can feel you." I mumbled into his chest.
"I know I feel you to."
"I love you Violet and I'm glad that it's you that can see me and not anyone else."

It's been about a half hour of me and Luke sitting on my bed laughing away and trying to figure out how to get him to move on but he doesn't want to. "Luke-" I look over my shoulder to see tabby standing in my door way with her mouth slightly open.
"Who are you talking to?"
"Um tabby we need to talk here sit down." i guided her to the air couch in my room and we both sat down.
"Don't tell her about me just say you see ghosts not me."
"Shut up and let me think of how to say this." I grumble back to luke.
"I didn't say anything." tabby replied
"Not you ok listen I can see ghosts I can see them and hear them and touch them it's like there still alive when there with me I know that sounds crazy but I'll prove it."
"Put a number behind your back I'll close my eyes and sit on my bed and have the ghost tell me what the number is then I'll tell you."
"Fine." She sighs and puts her hands behind her back. I watch as Luke looks behind her gently and sees the number.
"It's eight."
"How did you-"
"It's the ghost tabby i see them."

After 15 or so minutes of Luke telling me the numbers behind tabbys back she finally believes me.
"If you can see ghost does that mean you see Luke."
"Please let me." I say looking up at like with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine but tell her that I said I'm glad she misses me so much and she will know exactly what I am talking about."
"Yes he's here right now and he has been this whole time he has a message he said in a sarcastic voice that he's glad you miss him so much what does he mean."
"Oh my god Luke I'm so sorry."
"What is he talking about tabby."
"I slept with Calum I have been sleeping with him for awhile."
"Your kidding me right when did you last sleep with him?" I was starting to get up set. How could she do this to him my god?
"When you called he was there well not in the room but we had just-"
"Leave tabby get out"
"I can't believe you did that to him."
I shout at her.
"I'm sorry ok to both of you but Luke I loved you so much and you are gone ok I can't be with you anymore and I love Calum now I do."
"Violet don't be mad at her it's fine she can be with him I don't care."
"It's not ok Luke she can't do that to you!" I yell frustrated by his lack of care.
"Violet I'm sorry ok I know you like Cal-"
"Don't you dare blame this on me or say the reason I'm mad is because I want Calum because it's not I don't want him Tabby yeah at one point o did but not anymore I love Mikey so much I'm pissed because you did that to him the person you are supposed to love." I yell at her as I gesture to Luke behind me.
"Luke I am sorry ok I am but I like Calum and you aren't here please forgive me." She looks around hopelessly.
"I forgive her tell her I forgive her Violet."
"He forgives you but I don't I need time to get used to this don't tell anyone that I can see ghosts or I will never forgive you and just go." She nods her head and leaves.
"I forgave her and I'm the one she did it to so why can't you forgive her." Luke asks as he sits next to me on the bed.
"Luke I can't forgive her because she got what I wanted." His diamond blue eyes bore into mine as he inches closer. "What did you want?" I know he knows but he just wants me to say it.
"I wanted you Luke." I say and he presses his lips to mine. I kiss back at first feeling his lip ring slowly fade away. "Luke?"
"This was it this is my unfinished business you my feelings for you I needed to tell you. Wow god this is crazy I love you Violet as a lover but you belong with Mikey and I'm ok with that I want you to know that I don't want you to cry over me anymore ok because I'm always going to be here always."
"I love you to Luke" I kiss him once more "I'll see you later vi"
"I'll see you later Luke."

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