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Violets pov
"Luke what did mommy say about hitting Wren."
"Bad." Luke replies is one word. Luke is three years old today along with wren and I'm trying to get them ready for a party that there 2 amazing aunts decided they were going to through. "Ow Mum Wen hitted me."
"Well Lucas you should have left his shirt alone. Come here let me put this on you." Wren was dressed in a black and red flannel jeans and cute little work boots. And if Luke would listen he would be wearing a black and blue flannel jeans and work boots. "Lucas do you want cake or not."
"Then get your little booty over here now." Luke send Wren a little smile and the both stand to there feet and run over to me hugging me tightly. Considering I'm on my knees and could hug them back I did. "I luh you mummy." They said one at a time. "I love you too boys."
"Awe, look at that ok now it's my turn the best auntie is in the house."
Tabby howls as she bends down to hug the boys. "Auntie!" Wren yells hugging her but Luke stays put. I carefully look at my baby boy to see that he's looking at Michael and Ashton smiling. As you all could tell Wren likes his aunties but Luke Luke was a mummy's boy but an uncles rebel. Luke reminds me a lot of Hemmings and yes that is who I named him after. I'm happy more then happy that Luke is close with his uncles because in a way I feel like no matter how many people think Lucas Hemmings is dead or gone he isn't because he's here next to my boy watching his every move and guiding him along the way. "Hey are you ok?"
I look up to see Ashton standing in front of me holding Luke and staring at me strangely. "Yeah yeah I'm fine um Michales in the basement with Calum and Mum so can you just go say hi you can take him with you." I gesture towards Luke who is reaching out to me saying upie upie. "First what's wrong."
"I'm just thinking about Hemmings that's all I'm ok." I tried to keep a strong face but a tear fell. "Boys hug mummy. "mum was wong i be good now" Luke says his smile fading. "Oh baby Mum isn't mad or sad because of you just miss my friend my very best friend."
"What's wrong wren?"
Both boys begin to chant and I take them in my arms hugging tightily. "Mummy has a secret for you guys."
"Tell us pwease."
"Ok here it goes im gonna eat your whole cake." just when I say that both boys gaps and I hand them to Ashton and run to the kitchen hiding under the table. "Go get her" is all Ashton has to say before I hear the pitter patter of my two boys feet and the heart warming laugh of my husband or soon to be husband Michael clifford. "Daddy where's Mum."
"I don't know check in the living room actually check the kitchen maybe the kitchen table." He gives a little wink towards me and I glare at him. "Found you mummy."
"Yes yes you did."

Real ending ok guys hope you liked this story even though it sucked um yeah that's it thanks for reading.

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