Chapter 10

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Michael pov same time

I needed to find Violet and apologize for everything. For yelling at her for being a dick for everything.
"Mikey" I looked back to see Michaela stumbling. She was drinking a beer. God only knows how many other ones she had drunk. "wow easy Michaela" I said as she fell in my arms. "Mikey where's Vi's hot twin Ashton?" I looked around till I saw a mop of dirty blonde hair pulled back by a red bandana. Right away I knew it was Ash. "He's right over there"
"Thanks Mikey" she said as she leaned in and kissed my cheek.
"No problem" I don't think she heard me because when I went to look at her she was already talking and laughing with Ashton. Back to my problem where is Violet. I turned around to see Violet wiping a tear and walking towards the door. Why is she crying? I thought to my self as I chased after her.

Violets pov
She kissed his cheek. My best friend kissed my crushes cheek. I ran out of the party house with him following me. As I ran I felt the tears from my eyes start to spill out at a faster paste. I angrily wiped them away. When I reached Calum's car I pressed my back against the door letting my back slowly glide down till I was on the floor. My hands tangled into my knotted hair as I pulled roughly letting more tears come strolling down my cheeks. "Violet what's a matter with you" i let out a little laugh and looked up at the burple haired boy standing in front of me. "Oh nothing Mikey nothing at all I just turned down cal and probably lost him as a friend because of my feelings for you" I paused to stand up and push my fist on his chest. Even though I was wearing heels he was still a good 2-3 inches taller then me. "but don't worry I know you don't like me back."
"What the actual fuck are you talking about of course I like you back I've been moping for-since you got with that dick josh" he put his hand under my chin and wiped away my tears stepping closer.

"Then why did you let Michaela kiss your cheek" I asked as I pulled his hand away from my cheek but still holding it tightly. "oh my god you -you think she likes me?" He said bursting out into laughter. I stomped my foot on the ground and crossed my arms over my chest. "why are you laughing at me huh asshole?" I asked with my voice raised.
"I'm laughing because" he stepped closer and once again put his hand in mine "she is my twin sister Shes not my crush you are and I'm sure as hell not hers."

That's who she looked like god damn it I'm sitting here making a fool out of myself feeling like she betrayed me and so did he but nope there fucking twins how did I not notice. I put my head in my hands and blushed. "I'm such an idiot god what is wrong with me."
"Hey nothing is wrong with you me and her we don't look alike that much and she just came back so don't feel bad and I'm not mad I think it's cute how you got all jealous and protective about it" I laughed and wiped away my last tear and looked up at Michael. "Mikey I'm sorry ok for everything and I want you to know that I like you so much it's crazy it's driving me crazy I can't stand not being around you and I can't stand you hating me so stop ok stop hating me and just forgive me."
"Violet you don't understand how long I've waited or wanted to do this" he leaned in and kissed me softly at first but it got heated quickly. Mikes soft lips pushed hard against my own making me moan. He bite down lightly on my lip asking if he could enter I opened my mouth letting him enter. Our tongues fought for dominance and I won. I stepped closer and moved my head making my tongue get better access." cough cough" I pulled away and wiped my mouth leaning back trying to act causal but failing because I couldn't stop smiling. Luke looked over at Mikes red lips that he currently was biting and then at me. "well I'm sorry for interrupting but me and tabby are going home and Ashton and Michaela just went into a room so beware."
"Yeah ok Lukey bye" I said wanting him to hurry along because I kinda wanted to finish with Mikey. Luke walked off with tabby behind him. "so shall we finish" Mikey asked stepping closer. "we shall" I said as I kissed him. Right away Mikey asked to enter so I let him. Our tongues fought again and right when I almost won Mikey mumbled against my lips "you won last time play fair" so I let him win. We stood there in the parking lot or road or whatever you want to call it making out for God knows how long till finally we needed to breath.

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