Chapter 17

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Before get started on my his chapter I would really like it if you guys would check out my other book it's called Distance between us um so yeah check it out alrighty hope you like my books.

Mikey's pov
I've been up all night I can't sleep because of what I said to Vi I didn't mean to I was just so mad I wanted to hurt her. I know that's bad and mean but it's true. Sighing I grab my phone and call Calum I need to talk to him about her about him liking her and shit. After three or so rings he answers the phone. (m-Mikey c-cal)
C-Uh hi?
M- Can we talk today about Vi
C-Um well I can't talk right now but- "Calum is my phone in the bed I can't find it."
M- Who's there with you is that Violet
C-I have to Mikes I'll text you.
And just like that he hangs up the phone and I'm left a pissed off jealous guy who wants to kill his best friend well one of his best friends. I'll make sure of one thing no matter what it takes who it hurts or how it ends I will make sure she is mine.

Violet pov
"Who was on the phone?" I ask slightly curious.
"It was Mikey but it's all good I told him nothing happened between us." He props himself up on his elbows and smiles. I smile back and sit next to him hugging him because he's my teddy bear. "whats wrong?" Cal pulls me into his lap and hugs me tighter. My legs are wrapped tightly around his waist and my hands around his neck while his hands run up and down my back and his feet are under me. "Nothing I'm fine I just miss you so much I miss is being close I wish I chose you." I don't think I meant the last part of the statement fully but I know a part of me is in love with Calum Hood and that small part always will be. "I wish you chose me to but you didn't."
"I'm sorry Cal." I pull my head away from his neck and look in his eyes.
"Don't be I get its him he's who you want not me I'm not good enough I never will be."
"Don't say that what are you thinking you are hot funny sweet amazing hot hot and hot any girl would be lucky to have you why can't you see that." My hand runs across his cheek and he pulls me closer so our lips are mere centimeters apart. "Why can't you see that you are the girl I want." I clearly wasn't thinking straight because I leaned in and our lips brushed gently before he kissed me fully and with a much needed force. He groans at the contact and my hands fly to his hair.
"Violet hey are you-" I jump off Calum to see Ashton standing in the door way with a confused look on his face. I decided to play it cool and ask what he was saying. "Oh nothing I thought you were alone I was going to as to hang why did you jump when I came in here."
"You just scared me that's all well you better get going." I push him out the door and turn around to see Calum smirking and looking very pleased. "Get that God awful smirk off your face."
"So what's going on between us now." He asked grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap again. "I have no idea but you need a girlfriend."
"Ok so you go from kissing me to telling me I need a girlfriend." He smiles a small smile and I laugh and nod my head. "We both know that we can't last so you need someone new."
"What about you and Mikes?" I take a deep breath and let it out before replying. "Me and Mikey will be ok we always are but let's focus on you." I know I shouldn't be doing this. Calum and me we have so much history and feelings for each other that haven't been all figured out so by doing this by setting him up with someone new I hope we can both move on.

"So tabby it is." I ask Calum again. I have been playing match maker all day picking girls then throwing them away and we finally decided on tabby. "Yeah tabby" I get off the floor and dial her number. After 4or5 minutes I have set up a date for them tomorrow at noon. "It's settled you guys are going out tomorrow at noon." I stand to my feet and Calum does to. "No way she agreed?" His face screws together on confusion. "of course she said yes." Calum steps closer to me and lifts me off the floor spinning me in circles as he hug me tightly. "Cal let me go I'm going to puke." He drops me to the floor. "Thank you love." He kisses my forehead and waves goodbye before leaving my room to go home I assume.

When Calum is really gone as in out of my house and texting Tabby I take the opportunity to go see Mikey. No no no yes. I say as I look through my closet for something to change into. I finally decide on yoga pants and a fall out boy t. After telling my mum and Ashton that I'm going over Mikes I find myself knocking at his door and awaiting for it to be answered.

When the door opens it revels an upset Mikey with his eyebrows knitted together. "Wha-" He goes to speak but I cut him off.
"Ok so I'm going to talk first I know we fought today I'm sorry but I can't keep doing this back and forth with you alright so you need to decide if I am what you want or if I truly am the needy bitch you described me to be."
"Vi-" he goes to speak but I cut him off.
"Not now think about it over night maybe longer just see if I am what you want."
"You are what I want Vi baby why can't you see that."
"Why can't I see that?" I scoff and continue. "Oh maybe it's the fact that you called me a needy bitch or that you don't tell me anything or perhaps it's the fact that I feel it deep down what we have is fading and I'm the only one who is trying to save it."
"That isn't true."
"Isn't it?" I question laughing slightly like the manic I truly am.
"Violet I love you ok I am in love with you but this is all to much what I said was to spite you I know that is wrong but it is the truth you were making me mad speaking all true things and I knew what I had to say to hurt you so I did." His gaze falls to the floor from embarrassment and I chuckle again. I feel my heart breaking in two but for some reason I am laughing I really am losing my damn mind. "Say something please." Mikes voice is pleading and I shake my head. " No don't you act hurt by this you aren't losing anything special Michael but then again nether am i." I turn on my heel and walk away. Not back to my house I'm not sure where I am going I guess my feet will decide but we're ever it is it's far away from here. Far away from drama and him and just everything even if it's for an hour or less I just want to feel free for a while. I want to be free of him.

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