Chapter 2

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I'm sorry about the sucky chapter don't worry things get better but I hope u guys liked it here's chapter 2...

Violet POV

I woke up the next morning at 6:00 ugh I hate morning especially when it's the first day of school and guess what it was. I pushed the off button on my alarm and walked to the bathroom. "Shit"!I screamed the water to she shower was freezing I sucked it up as I wet my long thin brown hair and washed up.By the time I got out of the shower it was 6:35 I had to leave in 1hr so that is just enough time to raid my closet for something cute to wear."No.Ugly.No". I said as I checked through my closet again.Then it hit me my suitcase all my summer stuff is in there and since it kinda warm out I could just wear something from there.I grabbed my suitcase and flung open the top I grabbed my high wasted black shorts and a crop top that was just high enough so you could still see a centimeter of my stomach.It was my fav crop top it was a three quarter sleeve with black sleeves and a white stomach part that says 'dont hate me cuz u ain't me'.I ran down stairs because it was now 7:25 I had just enough time to get my shoes on and eat.At the bottom of the stairs I saw my white vans they had a black sole and black laces the went perfect with my outfit."Mom did u get any food?"

"Yes flower look with your eyes!"

"Mom stop calling me that I hate it ugh I'm 18 not 2"

"Fine violet breakfast foods are in the top cabinet on your left."

"Thanks mom I love you."

"I love you to go get ash up plz."

"Ugh fine." I grabbed a pop tart and shoved it down my throat."Ash come on let's go!" I banged in his door and then out walks Ash fully clothed hair brushed and smelling good this is a change.I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and applied some black eyeliner. It was now 7:33 I ran out the house and to the bus stop and it took me less then a minute to get there mostly because I ran."Hi-ya I was afraid u weren't gonna make it"

"Like I would miss a chance to see you" I said with a smirk hey if he wants to flirt I will to.The bus arrived and I got on first and sat in the back then out of no where Mikey sits right next to me and my heart began to race fastly."Uh Michael what are you doing?"

"Sitting with my new girl duh." He giggled and it was the cutest thing I have ever heard it was just so cute!

"You have the cutest laugh and I'm not your girl because last time I checked you never asked me."

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