Chapter 16

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Violet pov
I continued to cry into Ashton's chest until he pulled me off and looked me in the eyes. "listen to me Violet we as in me and Mikey and everyone else in the world we can't choose what you do in your life so if you don't like what your life has become then you need to change it on your own you need to fix this ms I hate to break it to you but getting drunk and breaking crap while your pregnant isn't the way to do it."
"I'm not drunk-" I try to lie but he cuts me off.
"One don't try to lie to me I taught you how to lie two I can smell the beer coming from your breath and three if you really weren't drunk when you made all this mess then you need help." He laughs slightly at his own words and I sigh deeply. "I'm going to bed." I climb off of Ashton and attempt to get up the stairs but I obviously failed. After a few more attempts Ashton finally carries me up the stairs into my room and tucks me into bed. "Sleep well my dear twin" Ashton mumbles into my hair line and kisses my forehead gently. With in seconds I am in a deep sleep.

"Violet are you awake." I hear a voice call from my bedroom door. I grown on response and look over at the alarm clock to see its 1:30am. Feeling slightly pissed off I sit up and glare at the almond eyes boy in front of me. "Oh yes Cal I'm up at 1:30 on the damn morning."
"Sorry I just was driving around I couldn't sleep and Ashton's car wasn't in the driveway so I wanted to make sure you were ok."
"I'm fine sorry for yelling at you oh and you can come in you don't have to stand at the door like a dork."
"I am a dork Vi."
"No your My dork." The second the sentence leaves my mouth I regret it and try to take it back. "I didn't mean that Cal I meant just like-" I'm cut off by his hand on my cheek his body at the edge of my bed. "Don't explain the reasons I can't be your dork please just not tonight because tonight I am your dork."
"You will always be my dork Calum Hood."
"And you will always be my beautiful love Violet Irwin." He looks me in the eyes for a couple more seconds before he gets up and goes to leave my room. My mind wasn't working with my mouth because for some odd reason I asked Calum to come lay with me. "you want me to lay with you."
"If you want to that is."
"Yeah ok I'll stay." I sigh in relief and wait to feel Calum's present behind me. The bed dips and his arm slides across my waist and I scoot closer to him. I hear a little snore come from his lips and I to fall asleep.

When I wake up the next morning I am laying on top of Calum. My arms are wrapped around his back, our legs tangled together and my head resting on his chest. I knew deep in my heart that I felt something for Calum but I can't because of Mikey. I pull out of his grasp and walk to my bathroom.

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