Chapter 18

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Violet pov
It's been a week since me and Mikey broke up. A whole week bad he hasn't fought for me not once. The first day was the worst by far. I kept repeating what I said to him over and over in my head wishing that what I said wasn't true but as the days went on I started to realize that they were indeed true. Michael did lose me and he knows that and we both know that I am not special I am far from it but you know what so is he. He is a selfish little ass who made me fall in love with him and now raise this baby by myself.

When I finally made the decision that i don't want him anymore that's when it really hit me Mikey is gone. Gone forever and there is nothing I can do to change that. I'm going to be a mother on my own by myself. I need to figure out a way to deal with the fact that what I carry inside of me is a creation of me and Mikey. This baby will forever tie me to this man that I am done being tied to.

Mikey's pov
I have tried endless amount of times to talk to her but every time I go to approach her my heart races and I choke. I run away like the coward I am. She texted me just a few minutes ago saying the there is an appointment for the baby today. We have both decided that it would be best if we saw new people and figured out what we want even though I already know what I want and that is her anyway we have decided that I will go to all appointments with her and when the babies born I will have it on weekends. Glancing back at my phone I see that it's 10:36am right now and the appointment is at 11 so I walk to the shower and hop in.

After about ten minutes of scrubbing my whole body and my hair I step out and throw on black tight skinny jeans and the MCR t shirt I know Violet loves on me and walk over to her house. In one deep breath I gather all my courage and knock on the door. My breath hitches when I see her standing in front of me in one on my shirts I must have left here. "Hi I'm so sorry that your seeing me like this I was well going to get dressed but you knocked so here I am." Her small hands pull down on the bottom of the shirt as she tries to cover her bare thighs. My eyes travel to her stomach and I take notice of the little bump appearing. "Violet I need to talk to you." I'm going to do it I'm going to tell her that I need her that she is what I want that I am going to fight for her. "Well don't leave me hanging." She smiles an friendly smile and I sit next to her on the couch. "Don't interrupt me please just hear me out alright here we go Violet I knew what I was doing when I said what I said to you I knew that it would hurt you and I wanted to hurt you I was so mad at the world and at you I just needed to scream and yell and make someone hurt like I was hurting but I promise you Violet I am fixing myself I'm going to treat you better I know you want space or what ever it is that you want I know you need time to decide if I am what you and our baby needs and wants but I know what I want I want you baby I want you back with me I want to wake up every morning and roll over to see your gorgeous face or even the drool pooling on the pillow because that is one of the many things I love about you and fuck I love so many things about you but you needed to here this all of this."

When I stop talking I realize my hand has found its way to her cheek and her hands are on my knees. "You have the worst timing Clifford" a chuckle leaves my mouth and I press our foreheads together "I know." She surprises me by pulling away and kissing me right on my lips. I kiss back it's not a heated kiss just a normal kiss but it had both of us a mess. We needed this we need to be close and to talk it's not the same when we aren't. "I had all this planned I was going to move on and hate you but you are him Michael Clifford you are the him I have dreamt of every night since I was a little girl well not exactly because you have less hair' she pauses for a minute and laughs so do I and then she continues ' but you are the man that I love the love of my life you belong with me and I belong with you and no matter how hard I shake i just can't shake you and honestly I don't want to."

"I love you" I mumble into her hair as she wraps her self into my arms.
"And I you."
"Say it the whole thing please I need to hear you say it." I beg her as I pull her closer to me.
"I love you so much." She looks up into my eyes and relief floods through me.

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