Chapter 24

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Before I even had time to panic, the ringtone I set for my cousins started ringing, startling me to death. Feeling the rapid pounding in my chest, I took two deep breaths before I took my phone out of my pocket with shaking hands.

        “H-hello?” I asked, as I clutched onto my phone—my knuckles turning white. I shifted around, eyeing every possible direction in sight. He could still be around—just watching me—studying me. For some reason knowing that made me even more terrified than I was a few seconds ago.

        “Lily!” Skylar shouted, his voice frantic. “You need to get out of there now!”

        “B-but what about my classes?”

        “Forget about your classes! Just leave!” he yelled, causing me to take a step back. I blinked, shocked. I was used to Demitri shouting at me, but Skylar was never like this. Hearing the fear in his voice made me realize how dangerous this really was. I was practically alone in the hallway.

        “Right.” I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. “I’ll be there soon.”

        “Hurry!” he said before he cut the call.

        Shoving my phone back inside my pocket—along with the letter—I twisted around, throwing my textbooks in my bag as quickly as I could. I was about to slam my locker shut when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I nearly jumped two feet in the air, screaming bloody murder.

        My eyes automatically shut, as I held my arms out in reflex, trying to protect myself. “Don’t hurt me!”

        “Avery, it’s me,” I heard Hunter’s familiar voice. When I heard the worry in his tone, I looked up to see him gazing at me with wide-fear filled eyes. “Are you alright?”

        I chuckled out nervously, as I backed up slowly. My back touched cold metal. “Y-yeah. Fine.”

        He arched his brow down. “You don’t seem fine. You look a little pale actually.” He was about to lift his hand up when I maneuvered out of his way. His eyes flashed with hurt before he lowered his hand slowly. He should there awkwardly, staring at the floor.

        “Ah . . .” I started out saying, catching his attention. “I’m just a little bit sick,” I lied easily. “I was actually about to head home.”

        “Oh.” His voice dimmed even more at my response, as it held a hint of sadness. “I was kind of hoping we could catch up. I haven’t seen you in a while.”

        “We saw each other like two days ago,” I deadpanned. I saw a little twitch of a smile when he heard the humor in my sentence.

        “Yeah, but I haven’t had the chance to tell you about my exam yet!” he exclaimed, pouting right afterwards. “I had to miss lunch to take it!”

        I raised my eyebrows in confusion. “How come?”

        “My so called siblings forgot to wake me up this morning, so I missed the exam,” he said letting out an annoyed groan. “But I’m pretty sure I aced it!” he shouted happily, grinning from ear-to-ear.

        “So you were taking the test all throughout lunch . . .?” I asked questionably.

        “Yup!” He smiled. “Until now actually,” he said as he waved a slip of paper with Mr. Meyer’s signature. Squinting my eyes, I saw the word late pass written above his name. “I was about to head to my next class when I saw you.”

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