Chapter 20

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“Y-you actually spoke to me.”


        Feeling his arms leaving mine, the sudden warmth I’d felt seconds before disappeared. My smile dropped, as my body involuntarily tried to move closer towards him, missing the feeling I’d felt when he was laying his head in the crook of my shoulder. Even though I’d only knew him for about a week, being in his arms felt safe—like home. Surprisingly, I didn’t have an ounce of fear in me.


        When his head glanced up, his electric blue eyes met mine, gazing at me with so much fire, I thought I’ll burn up in heat. I stayed frozen, silently just staring at his face, hoping he’ll say something—anything. But, he just continued to look at me with those eyes of his. When he finally opened those pink lips of his, the corners of my lips lifted up into a smile just thinking about hearing his voice again.


        “I meant what I said,” was his short response, his voice cutting straight through my core. “I’ll make the pain go away, Avery.” Hearing my name coming out of his mouth, I almost wished he’d called me by my first name, Lily. His accent was thicker than his brother’s, probably due to the fact that he had two accents going on, instead of one. Even though Bradlee didn’t have a speech deficiency—he had a little bit of a deaf accent mixed with his British one. And for some reason, his deep voice just made those accents sound hot together.

        “How?” Seeing my own breath swirling in between us, I leaned back a bit, hoping it didn't stink. How embarrassing would that be if he’d smelt that?

        He grinned, leaning forward. Tilting his head to his left, he stopped right above my ear. “I’ll show you,” he whispered softly, as I felt his warmth breath fanning my ear. Hearing a tiny chuckle, I could tell he saw the effect he had on me. Damn you body of mine. “Come on.” He leaned back, stretching out his hand. “Let’s go.”

        I didn’t even have time to think before he grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the back of his house. “Where are we going?” I directed the question at him, as I took quick glances behind me. Seeing my cousins drive up slowly down the street, my eyes enlarged in panic. But when they stopped a second later, I let out a breath of relief, calming down.


        Feeling the warmth leaving me again, Bradlee stopped in front of his motorcycle. Before I could even say something, he was swinging his legs over his bike. As the engine roared to life, he patted the seat behind him.


        “I’m taking you to a special place,” he answered me. Giving me a wide smile, he took his spare helmet off his handle bars and threw it at me. He tap his head, probably telling me to put it on.


        Taking in a deep inhale of breath, I gulped nervously. Approaching the bike slowly, I put the helmet over my head reluctantly, feeling the sudden weight of it. Making sure it was on tight, I grasped onto the back of Bradlee’s shoulder for support. Ignoring the tiny spark I felt touching him, I swung my legs over his bike, before scooting my body to the back of his body. Before I even had the chance to get used to being on a bike, he was already kicking his pedal thing.


        “Wait!” I yelled, pulling on his jacket. He stopped, twisting his neck around. He glanced at me with worried-filled eyes, probably hearing the slight fear in my tone. “Aren’t you going to put your helmet on?”

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