Ch 35: Unnatural Feelings

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"Lucy!" Angel exclaimed as he ran towards him. He hadn't seen his friend since he left the Studio. "It's been a while, toots!"

Lucy's eyes narrowed in annoyance at the excitement in Angel's face. As Angel stepped towards him, Lucy took a step back. Angel stopped, his brows furrowing in confusion at Lucy's actions.

"I'm not here for a friendly visit." Lucy's voice was hard with no emotion. "I'm only here as a curtesy to the friendship we used to have."

"Used to?" Angel whispered as his eyes narrowed. "Watchya talkin' about?"

Angel cringed slightly as Lucy's laughter was devoid of all emotion.

"Look, Angie. You made it perfectly clear who your real friends were when you left the Studio, choosing that ludicrous Hotel over your real family, but that isn't why I am here," Lucy reached into his coat pocket, pulling out an envelope and tucking it into the collar on Nuggets. "This is for you. Consider us even for everything."

Lucy placed the rotund pig back onto the concrete and gave his tush a little pat, pushing him back to his daddy. Nuggets glanced at Lucy before waddling back to Angel. As Angel bent to pick up the pig, a soft fluttering was heard. Angel looked up and Lucy was gone. Angel frowned deeply, confusion rampant in his mind. Angel still thought of Lucy as a close and dear friend. The only one, really, he had at the Studio. Angel had tried to reach out to Lucy after he left, wanting to get him out of there as well but he had heard nothing back. Lucy was always very dependent on Val, believing that he was loved by the Overlord. Val helped fuel Lucy's addiction to LSD and manipulated him into believing anything Val said to him. Angel always felt slightly guilty and responsible for Lucy since he was the one to bring him in, finding him on the streets and begging for drugs. They had been close ever since, until Angel had been brought into the Hotel. He wanted to bring Lucy with him, but he was never able to contact him.

Angel glanced around the street and sighed. He plucked the envelope out of the collar and looked at it. He opened it and scanned over the content. His eyes widened and a loud gasp filled the air. He had to get this to Charlie, now.


"You know I'll find out eventually." Olivia stated as she walked in the front doors of the Hotel with Alastor trailing, his eye twitching.

"With your 'persistence', I'm sure you will, darling." Alastor clasped his hands behind his back as they walked.

Olivia continued to pester him about his adventure in the sex store as the walked into the foyer, but he was determined in his endeavour to reveal nothing. As they entered the large room, the air was suddenly filled with dread as their eyes landed on their group of friends gathering around the couches. Charlie was the first to see them and stood, looking apprehensive.

"I'm glad you guys are back. We need to talk." Charlie wrung her hands in front of her as Olivia and Alastor glanced at her with worry.

They all gathered in Charlie's office as Charlie spread out the papers on her desk she had received from Angel.

"Angel received a visit from a friend at the Porn Studio named Lucy Haze and gave him these papers." Charlie began. "They hold the list of the names chosen and some of the events planned in the arena. They are," Charlie sighed, "not good."

Alastor walked to the desk and pick up the list of names. At the bottom was Olivia's name, as expected. The other names did no peak his interest except for one.

"Can we trust this person? Where did they get this information?" Olivia walked up beside Alastor and glanced at the list, spying her own name.

"I'm not sure how true it is but," Angel sighed. "I trust Lucy. I'm sure he brought information he believed was true. He is very good at getting information from people."

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