chapter 49❤

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~~Young people fall in love
With the wrong people sometimes
Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay
You can think that you're in love
When you're really just in pain
Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay~~

Sean turned off the car's radio abruptly. His thumb and forefinger flattened the crease that has formed in his forehead. It was late at night, he was driving home. His phone rang, he pressed his earphones "Sean Reed."

"Sir, Daisy ma'am wants to talk to you." Sarita, their maid spoke.


Daisy's high pitched voice almost deafened him "DADDY, BRING ME SOME CHOCOLATES! THERE'S NONE AT HOME."

Sean let go of his distress for a bit and  laughed at her cute complaint "Okay sure ma'am." As soon as she disconnected the call, he sighed. It wasn't like he had lost it all, in fact, if thought about it, he had lost nothing. His daughter was safe at home waiting for him, his business was at peak, his mother was happily living her last years with his step father back in America. And? And what? Hritika? well he has her friendship too.

Now the question is, did he want more than it? Was there something more than it? No. They knew their limits. She was an amazing companion and so was he. He stood by her when he needed support the most. Aarav left her alone when she needed. Okay, she left him. But she left him for his mistakes. Now when life seemed so perfect what was the need of this new change? What was the need of trying to get back the old life?

Sean thought while driving, the crease in his forehead deepening, forming wrinkles over his handsome face.

He realised he needed to buy chocolates for Daisy. He haulted his car near a shopping mall, he walked in with all his glory.

He stepped in a chocolate shop "Excuse me, can you hand me some chocolates making sure there's no peanut in it?"

"Sure." The man in his early fifties replied. Soon he brought a few bars of chocolates for him.

Sean paid for it and mumbled a thank you before walking out. He thought of the times Daisy would call Hritika when she craved for chocolates. But this was meant to be. Her happiness is not something to be compromised.

Should he go back to America? No. No. Then he won't be able to see her even for a minute. But meeting her only pains these days. She's not his.

"Fuck my mind! She's not mine? When she ever was? Why'd I even want her to be? We. Are. Friends. and that is all."

Sean drove hastily to his home, handed Daisy her chocolates. Even when Daisy kissed his cheek, he didn't reciprocate, he just smiled and walked up for a shower.

Before he slept at night, he said to Daisy "Darling, probably we'll move to America. Will you mind that?"

"Um.. India is so beautiful and perfect for me Daddy. As much as I want to meet gammy and pa but the butter paneer and chocolates are better..." Her face so grief filled, voice so filled with agony that it made Sean almost laugh loudly.

"Daisy, all you care about is spicy food and chocolates?" He laughed more "I'd have chose my grandparents over food, D. You're unbelievable!"

"Hey! Grandparents are humans! They don't fade away. Chocolates melt away.. food get bad..think wise.." Daisy reasoned.

Sean thought while looking down and then up at her eyes he told his daughter "Relationships do fade away, love. They do."

The next day at the breakfast table while feeding Daisy he spoke "We're shifting to America in a week. Say your byes to your friends.."

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