chapter 22❤

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We walked past media's rumoured questions. To be honest I don't get why they're so interested in our lives! Everyone should respect eachother's privacy!

As we walked the passage, I noticed all eyes on us. Honestly, I felt uncomfortable.

"Why're they looking at us?" I asked Aarav.

"Not us, you." He smirked and protectively held my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"But why?" I asked, confused.

"Did you forget to look at the mirror while you were leaving?"

I panicked. What did I do wrong?

"What? What's wrong?" I said and put on the front camera.

Aarav took the phone from me and said "silly, you look amazing! And they're looking at you because you're irresistible and you, milady, mustn't move away for even a minute. Stay with me."

"Only if you don't fall for the beautiful women standing there." I said teasingly.

"They're not as beautiful as you..." He said as he looked at and I looked down to hide the blush.

"But....these guys are handsome... aren't they?" I teased.

"I don't know but look at those girls, so gorgeous no?" He smirked.

What did he say? WHAT? HOW DARE HE?

"What did you just say? Repeat once"I said.

"I said those ladies over there are gorg-" I got away from him and walked towards the bar. "Arey I was kidding! Come back."

But I ignored the calls and kept walking and I walked until I ran into a wall, no, not a wall..what is it.

I looked up to see, it's a man, with a rock body.

"Hritika...?" He asked confused.

"How do you know me?"

"I'm Nathan! We met in Harvard medschool! Forgot me?"

"Nathan....... Oh my god Nate? You? Here?" I exclaimed after getting to meet an old friend whom I haven't been in touch with for long.

"I remember you but you couldn't even recognise me!"

"Ofcourse I remember!" I smiled widely.

"Congratulations though! What a successful woman you've become! Hospitals, pharmaceuticals, leading doctor, ah- who'll say we used to bunk lectures!"

"You're just exaggerating.. I'm not some 'super successo'!  Tell me about you? What is up?"

"Cardiac surgeon at the Hopkins, roaming all over the world and volunteering.. just came from I'm here for this party and I'll be back to US tomorrow."

"Livin' your dream huh? You used to tell me about these.."

"You remember?"

"Ofcourse I do!"

"There you are! Come on let's g-" Aarav came near me but then stopped seeing me with Nate. Both of them looked at me with confused eyes.

"Oh, um Aarav this my medschool bunk mate Nate, I mean Nathan Jones and Nate, this is Aarav."

They both looked at each other with I don't know..but with a fire in their eyes maybe. What's up with men? Ugh.

"Wanna grab a drink?" I broke the silence.

"Seriously? Remember the graduation ceremony?" Nate exclaimed and laughed.

"You're gonna bring that up now? You're impossible!"

"Hritika, actually we need to head back home, it's almost 11."

"It's just 11, we just came, I met Nate after I don't know how long! Let's stay a little bit longer?"

"Hritika we're going." Aarav firmly stated.

"Um Hritika, I don't know why is this gentleman behaving this way, but we can always meet up. Here's my ID." He said when Aarav was on his phone.

I laughed and waved him goodbye and he made me promise him that I'll contact him. While Aarav threw daggers with his glare. These men!!

Aarav tightly held my wrist as we walked out of the place. Why'd he make me come here and leave within an hour or two? We just drove all the way here, and now he dragged me outta it.

I jerked my hand out of his hold. And walked faster than him. The chauffeur quickly opened the door, and I got in. He got into the other side.

The whole drive was gravely silent. I was huffing in anger. I looked out of the window and I don't when I fall asleep.

"Hey wake up!" I heard as I forcefully opened my eyes a bit.

Then I realised it's Aarav. All the things drove back into my head. I composed myself and quickly went to our room, then to the bathroom to take a shower. I got changed into my nightdress. I, then, went to another room and closed the door. I went to the balcony adjacent to it and lighted a cigarette. I'm not an addict but I don't know why I wanted one tonight.
I took a small puff, and felt someone's presence at my back. I ignored it, knowing it's Aarav. I'm familiar with his smell.

He came to my side took the cigarette from me, put off the fire and threw in the bin.

I just glared at him.

"Don't look at me like that. It's unhealthy. You're not a cigarette person. You can just talk to me if something is stressing you."



"Yes, your dominant nature."

"What? What did I do?"

"You're seriously gonna act naïve, Aarav?"

"No seriously. I can't get what you're talking about. Is it about when I said there were beautiful ladies? I was just kidding"

"I'm not a child Aarav, I'm not angry because you complimented some other gorgeous woman, but you can't just act dominant when I'm around men."

"Oh so it's about that jerk?"

"Excuse me?"

"Do you even watch yourself Hritika? You just can't see the way they look at you?"

"Enough Aarav! You can't just interrupt in my life. He's my friend from college days! I met him after so many days! We both were just overwhelmed by nostalgia."

"It's 'our' life now Hritika. And I can't just let any man look at you that way."

"He's just a friend! He knows his limits!"

"You think." He laughed as if it's some joke.

"This is no funny business Aarav!" I shouted losing my calm.

"So aren't my feelings." He spoke holding my shoulders.

What? What did he say?

"What do you mean Aarav?" I said in a low voice, shocked by what he just said.

"I love you Hritika. I'm in love with you." He almost yelled and stormed out.

I stood there numb, unable to process his words.

He loves me.

Do I love him?


Sorry to my lovely readers, I kept you waiting for kinda too long but believe me, I was really busy with exams :(

This was a long chapter ❤ and I hope you liked it.⭐

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