chapter 26❤

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"Where the hell is this fucker?! Getting everyone tensed!" Siddharth cursed loudly in the basement.

"I'm here, fucker!!" Said a tired hoarse voice from his back.

Siddharth turned around, his eyes went wide "Bhai??"

"Did you all think I've died, not so easy! Not dying before you lil prick!" Aarav laughed.

"No funny business! Bhaabi has 103 degree fever, fainting now and then, not eating anything, crying every minute!! Hurry upstairs!"


Aarav's Pov:

I was shocked would be an understatement, I was devastated after Siddharth told me about Hritika's condition. My heart started beating faster.

When the elevator stopped at 5th floor, I ran towards the living area.

"Aarav?" Mom squealed!

"Are you fine?" Dad asked.

"I'm fine! Are you all fine? Where is Hritika?"

"You moron! Why did you keep your phone switched off?" Siddharth shouted.

"I don't know.." I said unable to admit that it was because I didn't want to talk to Hritika or face her. I don't why I did such a crazy thing, rescheduled the meeting within minutes and went out without informing her.

"Where's Hritika?" I asked again.

"She's in your room. She has fever.." mom said.

"Um..yeah..Sid told me..." Guilt was eating me up. If I wouldn't have gone out that day with less people, Rajiv, that sucker wouldn't be able to ruin the jet's control unit. Yes, I know it's him.

I walked to our room. My heart wrecked at the sight. The woman I love, was standing in the balcony, crying, her hair disheveled.. ugh..what have I done?!

I walked towards her.


She turned around, looked at me with disbelief, groaned and turned back.

What was that?

She mumbled "I'm hallucinating again"

"What? No! I'm Aarav!" I said holding her by shoulders.

She stood their, in shock, after few minutes tears brimmed out of her eyes. Her eyes were already puffy and red, there was dark circles under her eyes, she looked pale and vulnerable.

"Aarav?" She sobbed.

"I'm so sorry Aarav! I deleted everyone's contact number, I'll never let you get angry, I swear! Don't leave me Aarav!" She cried louder.

"What? No! Oh my god I am so sorry! I'm such an asshole! You shouldn't have deleted! I overreacted! I don't know why.."

"Do you still love me, Aarav?" She asked between sobs.

"Ofcourse I do! I do more than anyone else in this whole world!" I said firmly yet affectionately.

"Really, Aarav?" She questioned. What's so hard to believe? I thought. I love her with my whole existence.

"I love you! I love you! I will always love you!!" I stopped looked down.." even if you don't....." I said softly.

"You know, when you left me without telling, and then when Rajiv texted all those.. I got scared.. I felt my heart has stopped beating.. I was feeling incomplete Aarav!" She said as she cried "i always have felt this way without you.. I just couldn't realise what love was.. but when I almost lost you..I felt like dying...even worse.. I was too shocked to reply that day Aarav..but today I want to tell you for I've realised there's no guarantee of tomorrow..I want to tell you that" she came closer, cupped my cheek..

Wtf, she still has fever,"Hritika, you've got high fever!!" She sushed me with her index finger " finish"

I was tensed.

"I love-" before she could finish, she fall on my chest.

She fainted! Damn!! Fuck you Aarav! this is all because of your anger issues! All because of you! My inner self screamed!

I picked her up in my arms with her head resting on her chest, I hope she can hear my heart beats, beating just for her.

I rushed out and everyone panicked.

"What did you do?!" Siddharth yelled.

"What happened??" Mom was almost crying.

"She fainted...and she has high fever.." I was breathing heavily. "Let's take her to the hospital quickly."

Siddharth accompanied me to the hospital whereas mom and dad stayed back.

"You know I knew you've screwed up! Fucker! Your rage is gonna swallow you up!! Bustard! You wanted to make her feel guilty right?" He said as he drove fast.

"Stop your non sense! I couldn't anticipate this! Like she met her friend Nate or something at the business party and then she was being friendly with him..he was into her! His gaze was bad one I swear! I just couldn't stand it.."

"So you just said some shit and went out to UK? You dumbfuck! You knew about Rajiv! That asshole is after you for long!"

"I'm sorry! Hell I'm sorry! I screwed up really bad!!" I shouted.

The ride was silent after that.

After we arrived at the hospital, it was her own hospital, and people were shocked, and gossiping about it. I felt terrible.

The doctor came rushing "Hritika ma'am? Oh my god! Doctor Mohan!! Doctor Noah!! Come help me!!"

Then few doctors, many nurses took her to a ward. They started treating her. A male doctor came out after sometime.

"Who's Aarav, the billionaire here?" He mocked.

"Hey, behave!" Siddarth yelled.

"Keep your voice low, dude..this ain't your home that you'll just torture an innocent soul and when that body can't take anymore, you'll just dump her into hospital bed! Keep your voice low!"

Siddharth held his collar" what do you mean huh?"

"Siddharth, it's okay, calm down." I pulled him back."

"Oh so you're Aarav huh? You-" he started but he was called back by a nurse "Dr. Jordan, Senior doctor has arrived."

After he went away, Siddharth came to me and asked if I wanted something which I refused.

"When is she going to be okay Siddharth?" I asked being restless.

"Soon, Bhai, very soon."

"Ugh, I don't deserve her!!"

"You do! You always did. And you didn't do anything intentionally, Bhai. You made a mistake and you can't just say that you screwed up and you're sorry, you'll have to do something for it." He softly said.


"Control your anger and just f_ck your insecurities!!"

"I'll try, I promise."

Just get well soon, Hritika, I'll try my best to be the husband you deserve.


UwU Babiesssss that bitch is backkkkkkk! 🐒🐒🐒🐒

Hope you enjoyed the chapter ❤😆🐒

I'm gonna take a nap now...for idk how many hours🐒😛😆

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