Chapter 39❤

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Hritika held out the two boxes of gifts she had brought for her in laws.

"Your presence amongst us is the best gift for us..what was the need for bringing gifts, darling?" Smita stated.

Aarav's father, Arun agreed "yes beta, last night when Siddharth told us about you, we couldn't be happier! Smita made the lunch menu according to your liking and excluded my favourite beetroot raita saying you don't like it!"

Hritika giggled "that's not fair, mom! But you'll have to accept this little gift from me!"

Hritika handed them the boxes. It had a pendant formed of blue diamond for Smita and a ring of the same gem for Arun.

"This is so pretty, beta! Thank you so much! I loved it!" Smita exclaimed happily.

Smita, then, softly dragged Hritika to the dining space and made her seat and infront of her laid hundreds of dishes.

Hritika gasped at the sight as Smita busied herself in serving Hritika the food.

Arun and Smita made Hritika eat a lot food, so much that Hritika thought she'd bloat up so much that she'd look like a balloon.

"Not anymore, mom!" She whined.

"Just a bit more, you've lost so much weight.. a bit more of this kabob, this tastes good I'm telling you!" Smita protested.

"Beta, try that sweet" he gestured to a yellow coloured dish "that tastes so good, it's tastes of saffro-" he stopped as he realised what he has just said.

"You ate sweet?" Smita glared at him.

"Dad, this is not good!" Hritika joined in.

"Come on Hritika, don't change parties! You were on my side!" Arun said.

"No you shouldn't eat sweets! But you can be forgiven if you work it off a bit." Hritika chuckled.

"Always on his side huh?" Smita wiped her imaginary tear dramatically!

"Mom! You've become so dramatic! God!" Hritika laughed soon followed by Smita and Arun.

Their laughter made this house light up once again, after years.

Siddharth and Aarav got into the house and heard loud laughters.

He questioningly looked at Siddharth. Siddharth did the same as they walked towards from where the sound was coming.

Aarav stopped as he saw his parents and Hritika laughing and enjoying the starters so much. He felt an unknown warmth in his chest. After years, he felt happy to be home. A little smile made its way to his face.

Siddharth, interrupting their sweet moment, shouted enthusiastically "Oh my god! So many delicacies!! I can't express how hungry I am!!"

All the three heads looked at Siddharth and Aarav's direction.

It didn't go unnoticed by Aarav how Hritika's smile fell and her laughter vanished in seconds when her eyes met Aarav's. It hurt him watching her behave this way.

Aarav slowly moved back and went upstairs for he wanted nothing but Hritika to be happy, even if it costed his own happiness.

Smita noticed how the moment changed into a calm heated one. So she left for upstairs to check on Aarav.

Aarav was in the shower. He felt happy that she was back but it pained him thinking she didn't come back into his life. He felt empty.

He got out of the shower to notice his mother waiting for him.

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