chapter 3❤

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The next morning as Hritika woke up, a sharp pang rose on her back. The idea of sleeping on the sofa wasn't really commendable. Massaging her neck sleepily by herself, she sat up.

Soon the realization of being married and being in 'The' situation hit her. She cringed at her own life.

Determined to not let anyone or anything bother her today, she groggily stood up. The bed in front of her occupied by a sleeping man. His face was pushed into a pillow as he slept weighing on his stomach.

She sighed. She understood this was the man she'll have to deal with for a while now. She bathed and put on a glamorous suit as she set out to follow up some breakfast, but oh lord, so many people!

She thought of returning back but oops, she was way too late for that.

"Good morning!" Everyone chirped.

"Good morning" She mumbled being way too shocked.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Someone asked.

"Ay give her some tea first" an elderly man said.

"With some croissants. Damn, so good" a young lad joined in.

"Where's the groom?" An aunty spoke.

"Oh well, sleeping? For sure sleeping" Someone answered.

Chaotic. Way too chaotic for Hritika's usual days where she wakes up in her own house, a house helper makes her some tea, a toast maybe, works out, leaves for work, comes back, works out, has dinner, sleeps. That's all she's had to do with no one to call, no one to meet, no one to supervise.

"Let the child breathe!" Someone finally spoke some sense.

The woman who had introduced herself as the mother in law last night came into view, she smiled the brightest  when she saw Hritika.

"Hei Bhagwan, you are looking so beautiful." She chirped.

Hritika smiled back and thanked her for complimenting her minimal effort to dress up.

"Would you like me to introduce the family to you or is it just fine if you know me? I would like the later, I would be so important in your life then" she laughed.

"No introduce us! Or we will!!!"

Hritika's head was hurting alongside her neck now. The stress, the people, the wedding food, the smell of flowers which were still on the house nauseated her.

"Okay so, this is Siddharth" She pointed out to a young man, tall and handsome.

Siddharth flashed a huge welcoming smile "Hi, I am your only brother in law and your husband's cousin"

"Hello, Siddharth" Hritika replied with a smile.

Mother in law continued with many more until she landed on a very elderly woman "This is taiji"

Hritika bowed "Namaste, taiji."

"Namaste beta, I tried to call you yesterday to remind you about something but hai ram, it went for another woman" she laughed.

Hritika was confused because she too received a call demanding to be some taiji. As puzzles clicked, she felt it to be extremely embarrassing.

"I kept on asking for Aarav and bechari was so perplexed to who the hell this Aarav even was!" She was a woman who laughed with her whole body. Her whole body radiated with happiness, a joy found in her own jokes.

Hritika awkwardly smiled, she still didn't know who Aarav was.

She was then taken to the kitchen table where Smriti, her mother in law herself served her.

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