chapter 35❤

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They stood there numb not knowing what is next. Their life has never been smooth, always the otherwise, through ups and downs. Yes, their love was unexplainably abundant for a marriage to sustain, but is love all a marriage requires?

The answer is no. It takes trust, time and respect too. And in their case, maybe the first and last factor needed a little fix. But before it could be done, the pillars shattered, shattering their hopes on each other.

Was there any hope they could be together?

Maybe yes, for their love. But how? When the pillars are yet not fixed, will they be able to survive the second chance they got from the almighty?

"Aevy baby, my father is here." Ashley said holding Aarav's hand.

Hritika was confused.

Aarav wasn't paying attention to Ashley. He still was lost in Hritika. He was busy questioning his conscience if Hritika will stay this time, if she'll be forever.

"Aevy baby!!" Ashley whined "you're ignoring me!!" She shook Aarav's arm annoying and irritating Aarav to an extent which he couldn't tolerate.

"Ashley, if you don't shut the fuck up right now, there will be consequences." Aarav hissed.

Ashley felt insulted, especially when Aarav talked to her that way infront of a stranger.

"Why are you talking to me like that? And- and who is this woman? Why are you standing here with her?" Ashley said and she turned to Hritika "hey you woman, who are you?"

"Ashley, you better mind your attitude when talking to her." Aarav warned.

"I- uh- I'm getting late.. I'll leave.." Hritika said turning away thinking Ashley is Aarav's acquaintance.

"No. Not this time." Aarav said as he held her wrist making Hritika to turn her gaze at her wrist and then to Aarav's eyes.

"Aevy, what are you doing? Do you know her? And you disgusting bitch falling over guys, leave! Now!" Ashley stated not thinking of the warning she just got a minute ago.

But before Aarav could say anything Hritika stood for herself.

"Listen here you immature brat, think twice before using these disrespectful words against anyone, I don't tolerate it from people having no self-respect." Hritika said.

Mr. Liam witnessed the last part and got worried "what did you do this time Ashley? Ugh. Do you even know who she is?"

"Who?" Ashley said, scared of her father's reaction.

"Hritika Kapoor! The biggest investor in my company! Ugh!!! You better fix this! Ask for forgiveness now!!" Mr. Liam hiss-whispered to his daughter.

"I.. I- I.. I.." Ashely stammered.

"Nevermind. I have a meeting within a few minutes. Please teach her some manners." Hritika said and walked outside.

"Ma'am I'm sorry on her behalf!! She's childish!! Please forgive her!"

"I don't get bothered by anything and anyone. Don't worry, Mr.Liam"

She said getting into the car as her driver drove it away.

Aarav was furious, would be an understatement. He finally got to meet Hritika and that was ruined by Ashley's so called child-like remarks.

"Mr. Liam! You're taking her back with you today itself!! You sent her here for interning at my company but she's a disappointment and big failure!" He glanced at Ashley and closed her eyes to take a long deep breath. "Take her away before I do something"

Mr. Liam pulled her but Ashley ran towards Aarav "Aevy!! Please!! Don't do this to me!!"

"Get lost!!" Aarav yelled making her jump in fear.

Mr. Liam pulled her with force and dragged her away from the house.

Aarav called his mother that very moment.


"Hi Aarav"

"Maa! I met her at the temple!"


"Hr.. Hritika.."


Thanks for 10k+ reads. ❤



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