Wow..Bad. Ass.

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My names Brooke, I'm 17 years old. And this is my little story.

It was the first day of school, year 11 for me. I always loved the first day because their was so many new people. I was glad my best friend Angie was with me, hoping we had most of our classes together. We didn't really hangout with much people, like I had friends id talk to but I'd just go to school then go back home. Never went to parties or anything like that, just stayed focused on school. Don't get me wrong parties sounded like so much fun but my parents would kill me if they found out I went to one!

Anyways, back to the first day. I entered the school and headed to the office to get my schedule for the semester, I noticed this tall guy walking in front of me. He had black skinny jeans, a leather jacket and a black hat on. "I wonder if he's new.." I thought to myself, just then three other guys approached him like they knew him. They were all tall like him too, and dressed similar in black skinnies. As I walked behind them I couldn't hear what they were saying but I was kind of curious so I sped up a little, all a sudden they stopped and I ran into the back of the one with the hat on. "Oh shit.. Fu- I'm sorry." I stuttered as he turned around and he looked at me. He had these baby blue eyes and a black lip ring, which was the first things I noticed.

"Oh uh.. It's okay." He said moving out of the way.

Instantly I got nervous and walked through them to the office door. I shook off my embarrassment and got my schedule, I looked through my classes just then Angie approached me.

" Hey! Do we have any classes together?" She asked.

"Umm let's see your schedule." I said grabbing it out of her hand. "Dammit! we only have art, cooking and math together." Then the bell rang. "Shit! We're gonna be late... Ugh I have science first.. See you at break!" I yelled running down the hall.

By the time I got to the classroom the halls were empty, and the door was closed. I walked in to see the class all turn their heads towards me.

"Are you in this class?" The teacher asked, standing by the chalk board.

"Uh yeah.." I confirmed scanning the seats for an empty one. "Right there, beside that young man." The teacher said pointing to a table in the back of the room.

I instantly noticed it was the boy I ran into in the hallway. "Oh..awesome.." I mumbled. I walked over and sat down in the chair, the class was quiet as the teacher spoke. I could see him in the corner of my eye staring at me. Which made me feel nervous for some reason.

"Okay, so for the first project this year you'll be partnered up with who you're sitting with at this moment." The teacher announced.

Some of the class groaned and some were excited, probably because some of them were with their friends.

"Hey, you're the guy I ran into in the hallway right?" I said facing him.

"Oh uhh.. Yeah.." He said in a deep voice.

"Sorry about that..I'm Brooke by the way.." I said putting my hand out.

He smiled, shaking my hand "I'm Luke."

Just then the teacher spoke.
"The school has a science fair at the beginning of every year, so you and your partner will have to figure out what you're gonna do for it."

The whole class went back to talking.
"So.. Uhh..Wanna make a volcano?" Luke smiled.

I smirked "That's a brilliant idea, soo unique."

"Exactly." He said smiling, biting his lip ring

"Wait you're serious aren't you?" I said with a serious face.

"Why not, it would be fun."

"Okay then." I answered shaking my head smiling.

The rest of class we talked about how it would look, we came up with some pretty cool ideas. He seemed kinda awkward and shy.. The bell rang and as soon as it did he said "see ya" then ran out the door.

"Oh okay?" I thought to myself confused.. I guess we'll talk about it tomorrow.

I didn't really think of telling Angie about him, he was just some guy I was doing a project about.. A very attractive guy. I finished the day at school, I didn't see Luke anywhere after science class. Didn't think much of it.

The next day I didn't have science, because every second day the schedule changed. But at break I kinda wandered around by myself scoping out to see if I could find Luke, just to say Hi.. And that's when I saw a bunch of people lined up by the lockers, I walked over to see two police officers handcuffing someone. When they turned around, it was Luke! They started walking down the hall towards where I was and he saw me, my mouth opened wondering what the fuck was going on. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't even know him and it honestly wasn't any of my business. They walked right past me and Luke stared at me with a blank look on his face like he didn't give one shit he was getting arrested.

"Brooke! Did you see what happened?!" Angie yelled running towards me.

"No? What happened?" I asked still looking back at Luke being taken away.

"He was play fighting with one of his friends or something, and a joint fell out of his pocket when the principle came over. Then they searched his locker they didn't find anything but he was drunk." She said with wide eyes.

I put my hands on my head "Oh my god.. He's my science partner for the science fair!"

"He'll probably be like out of city cells on Friday. But I don't think he'll be coming back to school soon. Second day too.. Wow.. Bad.Ass" She shook her head and then linked arms with me. "I'll help you if you need it."

"Thanks.." I smiled walking to art class with her.

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