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Wakatoshi petted the shiba inu with a smile, happy to see it grow strong and healthy. He wanted Yuu to come home to see Denki be a good, healthy dog, knowing that Yuu loves the dog with his whole heart.

Denki snuggled into his arms and napped. Wakatoshi stared at his laptop, thinking about the work he was supposed to continue after playing with Denki.

Denki's asleep though...

Well, might as well just sleep too.

If Yuu was around, this moment would've been framed and hanged on the walls of their house. His adorable little dog sleeping on his handsome husband's chest is definitely one he would want to keep in his phone gallery forever.


Yuu watched as the kids did their homework. He had recently gotten a job as a babysitter and he's doing great.

The door unlocked and their parents came in. Yuu watched as the kids ran to their parents and hugged them. The parents lifted them up and their giggles were heard. Yuu smiled at the sight.

Seeing the parents together with their children, Yuu's mind wandered back to Ushijima Wakatoshi. He wanted to have this kind of life with him too.

Be together, come home from work together, have a child, maybe two or three. It would be a joy to see Wakatoshi with a child — their child. He saw Wakatoshi with Koushi's twins before. He needs a lot of help with being around kids but Yuu thinks that he'd definitely be a great father.

As Yuu walked home, he can't stop thinking of Wakatoshi, Denki, and what they could be doing right now. And by they, he meant Wakatoshi and him.

How they could've lived their life differently.

If Washijou wasn't around.

If he was a girl.

Yuu's footsteps stopped.

If I was... a girl...

Yuu placed a hand on his stomach. He could've beared a child if he was a girl. Maybe he should've listened to Washijou that time when he suggested him to have a surgery to be a female. He wouldn't have to come back home, wouldn't have to cry, wouldn't have to go through all these problems...


Yuu snapped out of his thoughts and looked front. He saw his first friend, Terushima Yuuji, walking alongside a younger version of himself. He had a gari gari-kun popsicle while Yuuji just popped a lollipop into his mouth.

Yuu remembered what they were talking about at the time. It was something about the future, dream jobs, significant others and marriage. He smiled, remembering that Yuuji wanted to be a hair stylist. He started to laugh when he remembered that time when Yuuji tried experimenting a hairstyle with his hair and it ended up bad so he literally just hammered his head with the hairbrush.

This is nice. Thinking of other things instead of those negative thoughts.


He looked at a bench and saw himself sitting there, Shoyo coming up from behind him. Yuu was eating lunch in secret, thinking Shoyo had a date with Tetsurou. Shoyo pouted and huffed, telling him that he was mad at Tetsurou for not coming at all. Yuu snorted and told him that he looked like a duck when he pouts. Shoyo threw hands that day and he won.

Yuu shook his head and smiled.


Yuu's breathing hitched when he heard the voice. He turned to where he thought he heard the voice and realised that he was just imagining his husband's voice.

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