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Nishinoya hummed a song while he cooked instant noodles to eat for dinner. It's not that he can't cook, it's just that he's living alone now and he can't afford to cook too much. He made too much kake gohan last week, forgetting that Hinata was no longer living with him. He was too used to it so he stopped cooking and sticked to takeaways.

His phone chimed while he was waiting for the instant noodle to be done. He grabbed his phone and smiled when he saw Asahi's text message.

From Asahi-san:
I'm near your place. Can I come over?

To Asahi-san:
I don't know. Can you?  ̄▽ ̄

Nishinoya snickered, reading back his message. He liked picking on Asahi. Even though he looks scary and tough, he's actually pretty weak and antisocial.

Another reason why he likes to pick on him, is because he knows about Asahi's crush on him.

He just thinks that it's cute, Asahi liking him. Even so, he really doesn't have any feelings for him. He tried his best to stay in the best friend lane and not give him hope. This way, he hopes that Asahi knows that he doesn't have any interest in dating him.

From Asahi-san:
I'll bring food?

To Asahi-san:
Okay come over.

Don't judge him, you'd do the same if your friend offers you free food.

Nishinoya finished his instant noodles but he was still hungry. After 15 minutes or so, he heard a knock on the door. He ran to the door and opened it, welcoming Asahi and swooping the food instantly.

"Pizza!" Nishinoya's eyes sparkled as he looked at the pizza. Asahi softly laughed seeing how adorable Nishinoya looked, staring at the pizza like it was his love.

Nishinoya always style his hair up when he goes out, so when he saw Nishinoya with his hair down, Asahi felt his heart beat fast. He looked super adorable and with that loose T-shirt and sweatpants, Nishinoya looked so small and cute. Asahi just wanted to hug him and cuddle with him all night long.

Nishinoya placed the pizza box on the coffee table, jumping on the couch.

"Ittadakimasu!" Nishinoya was the first to grab a slice of pizza. He was about to nom on it when someone knocked on the door. Nishinoya glared at the door.

He stood up and went to see who it was. He was surprised to see Atsumu there, searching for Hinata. He thought Hinata had told him about it but since Atsumu was left in the dark, he told Atsumu everything.

"I just wanted to ask him to come to my upcoming game. It's been a long time since he did. Can you please tell him?"

"Miya, you should text him. We have technology, use it." Nishinoya said, scoffing.

"Right." Atsumu awkwardly chuckled. He saw Asahi inside and raised a brow. "Were you two doing something? I'm sorry for interrupting."

Asahi almost choked on a pepperoni when he heard Atsumu say that. Nishinoya just laughed out loud. He patted Atsumu's arms and told him that Asahi was just his friend. Atsumu left and as soon as he did, Nishinoya dives back to the couch and reached for the pizza slice he left on the table.

"Ohh... This is so good~" It may have been way too long since Nishinoya last ate pizza. Asahi certainly made a good choice to bring pizza over.



Asahi nibbled on his pizza. He hesitated to ask but he wanted to know. Nishinoya could tell just by seeing the expression on Asahi's face.

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