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"Not here." Ushijima replied and leaned back to his seat. He then ignored Nishinoya's shocked expression and drank his latte.

Nishinoya felt rejected for some reason.

My flirting didn't work. Shit.

Nishinoya sat back and ate the strawberry shortcake. Ushijima stared at him as he ate the strawberry shortcake. He remembered Shirabu's words and his Father's reaction when he knew about Nishinoya.

"What does your father work as?"

"Oh? That's... umm... I.. actually... don't know.." Nishinoya scratched the back of his head and awkwardly chuckled. Ushijima tilted his head to the side.

"What do you mean by that?"

Nishinoya laughed it off first before he looked at Ushijima in the eyes.

"My father left me when I was 5. He divorced my mother and left. I've never met him since." Nishinoya said. "I only saw him through old photos of when I was a baby and that's it. My mother threw every picture that he was in into a fire. She hated him. I don't blame her one bit."

Ushijima stayed silent. The way he sees this, whoever was Nishinoya's father, must've been a complete asshole.



"Hm?" Nishinoya hummed in confusion when Ushijima stopped him to say his first name.

"Call me by my first name Yuu."

Nishinoya could feel his cheeks get hot as he nodded. He placed his hands on his cheeks, not knowing where to put them and wanting to make sure Ushijima doesn't see his blushing cheeks.

"Wakatoshi-san, why did you pick me? Out of all other beautiful women and handsome men out there, why me?"

Nishinoya was just curious. It's not that he's not honoured, he's just curious. He wanted to know what Ushijima had to say. Maybe he would answer something sweet, like how Kuroo confessed to Hinata a few months back. Oh those two were adorable.

"Because I'm not attracted to them." Ushijima answered with just one breath. He looked at Nishinoya. "I'm attracted to you."

Nishinoya could feel himself wanting to scream. He just stayed still, smiled stiff and let out a small muffled scream. Ushijima raised a brow when he heard a sound come out from Nishinoya. He shook his head and continued to talk.

"Yuu, I really want to marry you."

He held both of Nishinoya's hands and stared into his brown eyes. Nishinoya smiled back at him and nervously laughed.

"One moment, please." Nishinoya said and left. He went straight to the staff lounge and looked for a pillow or something similar. He saw a teddy bear there and grabbed it. He screamed into the teddy bear, letting all the butterflies and uwus he got from just now to get out and lessen.

Without him knowing (or caring, to be exact), the ones outside the staff lounge could hear a scream inside. The ones being, a concerned Kageyama, Hinata who's holding in his laughter, a shocked Ushijima and the woman sipping her hot chocolate.

He threw the teddy bear back to where he found it and walked out of the room. He sat down and smiled at Ushijima. He placed his hands on Ushijima's large hands.

"Carry on."

Ushijima started to laugh. Nishinoya furrowed his brows. He looked at Ushijima with confusion.

"What?" Nishinoya asked.

"You're really cute, Yuu. Marry me. Please."

Nishinoya wanted to say yes but he wasn't desperate. He told Ushijima that he has to think about it first. Ushijima nodded, giving Nishinoya time to think. He took out his phone and searched for a certain place in the Internet. He had a small smile when he found something.

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