Living with the Bentley Boys [ 18 ]

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A/N: I'm sorry if it sucks, I tried.

I dragged my lunch tray along the metal bars just as Josh came up from behind me. “Hey,” he smiled leaning down for a kiss.

I kissed him back softly before taking money out of my back pocket to pay for my lunch but Josh got there before I did. He thrust the bill in his hand out and into the cashiers face before I got mine out my pocket. “You didn’t have to,” I smiled sincerely.

“It was nothing,” he grinned back. “So, how’s your day been so far?” he asked, taking a chip from my plate and stuffing it into his mouth.

“Good,” I smiled. “No one shoved any books in my face or said anything mean so far,” I whispered in amazement. It was the first day in the last three years that I’d felt like I was just a normal student. Someone had even wolf whistled after me!

He rolled his eyes, chuckling lightly. “Told you!”

“JAYCEE! JOSH!” Shelly yelled waving her hands in the air like a lunatic trying to get our attention. Josh looked at her raising an eyebrow and looking back at me, his expression indistinct. I couldn’t quite understand what he was trying to tell me. “Come and sit here!” she beamed, pointing down to two empty seats, at her table. I froze in place, looking behind me, surely my eyes and ears were deceiving me.

I gulped. Josh took my hand into his and pulled me in the direction of his friends, all of his cool, popular friends, the ones that hated me with a burning passion. I tried to make a run for it, slip away from him but he just gripped my arm tighter. “If they say anything, we’ll leave,” he whispered, his lips brushing my ears.

I shook my head. “You wanted to officially announce us as a couple and I didn’t deny you that but you should listen to me now. You go sit with your friends I don’t want to feel unwelcomed.”

He grumbled, “Jaycee you know Tyler and Kyle, they’re there too,” he tried to bargain but it was no use as we got closer I started to feel like I couldn’t breathe.

“Hey Jace,” Kyle greeted flashing me his pearly whites.

I smiled back, “Hey.”

Tyler looked up nodding at me before returning to the conversation he was having with a brunette who was tracing her fingers down his arm.

“Well, sit down then,” Shelly laughed. What the hell was going on? This morning she’d clearly told me to back away from Josh and now she was inviting both of us to sit at the popular table, her popular table?

I sat down uncomfortably beside Kyle and Josh slid into the seat on my other side. Kyle’s fists clenched as Josh’s arm went around my back. I frowned. “Anyway!” Shelly started drawing attention back to her flicking back her sleek blonde hair.

“Get ready for this,” Josh whispered.

“As I was saying!” she said making huge over the top hand gestures with every word she spoke. “So Alfie right, I thought he would be good but he’s so bad in bed!” she exclaimed leaning back in her chair theatrically. I was pretty sure there were tears in her eyes and it was proving difficult for me to keep my face neutral and not giggling. She was crying because some guy wasn’t up to her expectations in bed? “He was so confident, I thought he’d be good!”

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