Living with the Bentley Boys [ 16 ]

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I haven't updated in like two months and I am genuinely so sorry, but I said before this is a really important school year for me so school is my priority.

I am so thankful for the comments on the last chapter, like I'm seriously overwhelmed. The last chapter wasn't planned, I was going through a bit of a rough patch and I kind of took it out on the story, so I'm sorry about that!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, leave a vote and comment if you've liked it? xx

I stood frozen, like a deer caught in headlights. I couldn’t move I felt completely trapped. My mouth was too numb to speak, my body to frozen to move. They were abused as children? Their father took his own life? Dad had told me it was a car accident... Their Mum didn’t need a break from them; they were trying to get away from her.

You heard about things like this in the newspaper or on the internet, it caught your eye, breaking news ‘Children Abused’ but until you experienced it, until you knew someone who went through it, it never seemed real enough to grip you.

“Cole,” I managed to choke out, my voice coarse and brittle, my mouth dry. I shook my head, I still couldn’t believe it but I knew it was true, I couldn’t deny the hurt they were experiencing. “Cole -” I started again softly, tears flooding my vision. I tried to veil the pain I felt but I hadn’t grasped that yet. I was slowly learning to hide my feelings and emotions but at this moment hiding the pain was too much for me to handle.

“Don’t!” he lashed out bitterly. I didn’t expect his tone to hurt his vocals were like physical blows straight to my face.

“Cole…” Dylan said warningly. He rubbed his reddened eyes before turning back to face his brother. “Go upstairs and sleep it off, alright?” he whispered calmly, his voice so loving and tender like a father talking to his little boy. I kept my eyes firmly on the ground, knowing that if I looked at either brother that I would break down, they were the ones who needed the comforting. Not me.

I was embarrassed at how useless and weak I was. I was such a pathetic excuse for a human being. A sob escaped me and I clapped my hand to my mouth trying to drown it but they’d both heard.

Pain and remorse, guilt and sympathy filled Cole’s face. He walked over to me and embraced me tightly in his arms. “I’m sorry,” he breathed gently, stroking my hair. “I’m so fucking sorry Jace-” but I couldn’t let him finish.

“You’ve said enough,” I sobbed drowning out the words. I pushed him away and put a fist to my mouth and found myself running out of the kitchen, up the marble staircase and straight into my room. I slammed the door shut weakly behind me and let my body slump into a heap on the floor. I was so overwhelmed; these boys were so strong that the thought of them being abused hadn’t ever crossed my mind. I was so self-absorbed that I hadn’t even thought about why they were here.

My door creaked open but I didn’t even bother to look. Tears, so many of them rolling uncontrollably down my face I found my vision blurred, my breathing shallow and rugged as though I was being strangled.

“Jace, come on kiddo,” Dylan’s gentle voice comforted me as he walked over. He sat down beside me and wrapped an arm securely around my shoulders, pulling my head down to his to close the distance. “Don’t cry Jace,” he pleaded with a gruff voice, his words cracking slightly.

“I didn’t know about your Mum, Dad never told me. I just always thought I had it so bad. I didn’t stop to think that anybody could be worse of,” I gasped out shakily.

“We don’t blame you, Jaycee. Cole is just pissed and upset because he’s tried to forget about it all and talking about it made those walls, he’s keeps built up, explode. His emotions, feelings and everything he’s tried to block away was made raw again,” Dylan explained.

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