Ch. 18 Make up your mind..

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Allie's Pov:

"Alright. This is our last song for the night loves! Hope you like it!" Ed says and his voice booms from the mic. He starts playing Miss You. I smile at him as he starts playing the first verse my nervs finally settled. I joined in on the chorus and the girls SCREAMED. We finished the song and I smiled out to all the girls out there.

"Thank you so much for making my first night on stage awesome you guys are truely dedicated to Ed, and These boys I call my bestfriends, and boyfriend." I say trying to make it believeble.

"You guys were amazing! Are you ready for em!?" He shouts. They scream and the lights go black letting us get off stage and go back into the dressing room.

I hear giggles and look over to see Zayn and Perrie..

She play hit him and giggled more.. Seriously?. Lou, the stylist pulled me into the other room and told me to get changed into what she had laid out.. Black frade skinnies, a white tee with "cool kids cant dance" on it, like Zayns. I got changed putting back on my white converse. I walk out and she pulls me back in.

"Go get that on!" She says running out. I look over to see it was a Varsity jacket exactly like Zayns.. I touch the necklace on my neck and walk over to it, I take it off the hanger and put it on. I look in the mirror and I look totally different then my last outfit. I walk out and everyones head is turned to me.

"Why does she have a varsity jacket and I dont!?" Perrie shouts. Woww..

"She is Zayn's fake girlfriend. They have to make it believeble Perrie." Louis says with a duh tone in his voice. I chuckle at him and sit inbetween Ed, and Niall.

"You did amazing love. You both did." Niall says smiling ear to ear. I smile back at him and kiss his cheek.

I look at Ed and smile.

"Thank you for that Ed. That was amazing."

He smiles and nods. Before I know it I had to go back up to watch the boys. Perrie stayed down stairs, while me and Ed went backstage to watch their show.

I smile as they finish Kiss You and the girls screams start. I giggle and look at all there faces they are so happy..

"Alright you beautiful Directioners!" Harry says which makes girls scream louder.

"We have someone we would like to bring on stage!" Louis said smiling out in the croud. The girls started screaming me me me.

I giggle at them as they go in there circle and come back out.

"You know her." Liam says

"You love her." Harry laughs.

"You may all want to BE her!" Louis says smiling wide.

"We all love her dearly, and majorly close to mine and the boys' hearts." Nialls booming beautiful Irish accent says.

Zayn smiles and walks over to my wing and grabs my hand intertwining our fingers and pulling me on stage. Girls screamed when they saw me.

Zayn laughs into the mic and looks me in the eyes, he looked like he actually cares...

"Allie, I brought you out here not to just prove something. But to tell you something." He says smiling wide. I nod and my smile gets bigger, blushing I giggle.

He pulls me closer so our foreheads and noses are touching. He sticks the mic up to his mouth to speak again.

"Allie Elizabeth Nixton.. I love you." He says. The crowd errupts with 'awhs'. My face goes a red I didnt even know it could. I look him in the eyes and take the mic from him to say my answer.

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