Ch. 13 Here We Go.

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Allie's POV:

I sigh and walk into the house to everyone chatting and laughing. I have been gone for 3 hours since what Liam said to me.. Just got me thinking on how I act and everything.. Its around 3 I kick my white TOMS off and sigh. There was another roar of laughter and I walked in the living room to Louis dancing like a mad man. I cant help but smile and giggle a bit. Niall looks over to me and smiles big.

"Theres that beautiful smile!" His strong Irish accent fills my ears and I blush and giggle again smiling.

"Nialler, you have more effect on her than us all!" Louis shouts. Then Niall gets red and he looks away embarassed. Awe! Thats cutee! I giggle and everyone looks at me.

"You ready for tour in 2 days?" Liam asked quietly sipping at his tea. My eyes go wide and I gap my mouth open..

"Well I take that as a no then huh!?"Louis asked laughing. I give him a scowl and the others laugh but Lou he pretends to be hurt and puts his hand over his heart, and pretends to die. I playfully roll my eyes and he just gives a short snort.

"So who will take her home so she can gather her things?" Harrys deep raspy voice adds. They all look around for a answer and Niall shoots his arm up.

"I will gladly." He smiles big, and shows his braces off. I nod and gather my things and place them in the duffle bag putting it over my shoulder. I turn around and Niall is getting his keys and he jogs over to the door opening it for me. I smile and exit going to the black Range Rover in the garage. He gets in and starts the engine.

"How long will this ride be Ni?" I ask in a quiet tone. He chuckles a bit and turns down the radio a bit.

"A hour or two not very long. Now lemme get to know you. Full name?" He asks.

"Allie Elizebeth Nixton. You?"

"Niall James Horan. Favorite food."

"Hmmm.. Toughy.. But I like anything from Nandos really I like food." I say giggling. He cracks a smile and keeps driving

"Favorite sport?"


"Me too."

"Really? Sweett." I say putting one headphone in my ear and blasting You Need Me But I Dont Need You by Ed Sheeran.

"You a Sheeran fan too love?" He asks sweetly. I smile widely at the thought of the ginger man singing my most favorite songs of his.

"Very much so. He is a lyrical genious!" I shout. Niall lets out a laugh and looks over at me.

"Maybe you two can hang sometime we all happen to be very good friends. So you can meet him on tour." He breathes out. I let out a squeal and Niall just laughs.

"He is just my biggest insperation!" I say with excitement. He pulls into my flat parking lot and we get out going straight for the elevator quickly so no one will spot him. I unlock the door and let Niall in. I take my key out and step in shutting the door.

"Home sweet home for the next hour or two!" I shout so Niall could hear me who is in the living room.

"I like it. Want me to help?" Niall asked looking around taking in my little yet homely flat.

I nod and take him up the stairs to my room and get my other 3 duffle bags down from my closet. I throw things out of the closet then out of drawers.

We start packing and Niall picks up a thong with neon green zebra print on it I snatch it from him and swat him on top of the head.

"Ow!" He yelps.

"Dont touch that stuff idiot!" I yell. He pouts for a bit but packs again. About a hour in we're done and He takes two duffle bags while I have one. Then I go in the bathroom and get my hair care things some lady items and make-up. I come out with two smaller bags and his eyes go wide and he puts his hands on his face and rubs it.

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