Ch. 10 Whats your problem?

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Allie's POV:

I snuggled into Harry's chest more and cried harder.

"I.. m-missed y-you s-s-so muc-h-h H-h-harry." I said kind of muffled into his chest I seen him give Zayn a look and he just pushed passed us and walked up the stairs.

Harry took me to the couch and his green orbs were stairing into my red puffy blue eyes.

"Tell me all what happend love." He said in a low tone.

So I did. I told him everything that happend since day one of meeting Zayn.

He wasnt drunk he just was at a bar. I heard Harry could drink alot before getting drunk.

I finished off telling him with what happend when he left. He frowned and brought me to his chest again stroking my hair soothingly and humming his favorite song 'Isnt She Lovely' By: Steve Wounder.

"Allie. Im sorry for leaving you with them.. I- I didnt know that, that would happen like it did. I didnt know you loved Zayn that much either love.." He said husky.

I look up in his memorizing green eyes and kissed his cheek hugging him again.

"No, thank you Hazza for listening. For actually caring.. I should be heading back tomorrow." I say quietly sitting up.

"No stay here please? For the summer? You can meet Niall, Liam, and Louis. If him and Perrie get all.. You know just come by us. Eleanor is Lou's girlfriend but they dont get like that. She's cool. Liam, Niall, and I are single though. But Liam is a great listener. Nialler is a big sweetheart, and Lou is funny as hell and well you know me the cheeky bastard, and then there's Zayn the quiet and mysterious one." He smiles brightly finishing his long speech.

"Harry.. I- I dont know.." I say quietly fiddling with my fingers. He lifts my chin and gives me a dimple filled smile.

I cant help but blush and smile back.

"Please? I need a good friend keeping me company." He says quietly. I nod and look away.

"Great! Ill go ring the boys!" He jumps up and runs to the kitchen.

I slouch back in the couch and let out a loud sigh about everything that happend today. That the love of my life has slipped away from me.. And I cant get him back.. Even though in all honesty.

He's really all I want..

Zayn's POV:

I let out a loud sigh and rub my face. What the fuck is wrong with me? Jesus I couldnt have made a better plan?! I couldnt have just swooped in and lift her off her feet? No thats to easy..

I open up the door to my balcony and step out and let the cool ocean air hit my face. I got out my easel and paint brushes and many different colors of paint.

I painted. Sketched. And painted some more. Just all my feelings out into this one painting in this one piece of art..

I step back and wipe the sweat from my brow.

I admire my work for awhile looking at it.. Then I finally realise what I did, what I created with just colors and brush strokes.

Its the night me and her spent together, on the golf course. The night she opened up to me. The night was our first cuddle.. Our first kiss.. The time I began falling for her.

I smile and let the tears slip out of my eyes. I want this girl. More than anything in this whole world. More than the air I breathe. Nialls looking for his princess? I found mine. I found the one girl that made me feel different inside and I fucked it all up.. I fucked everything up she is slipping through my fingers through MY bloody FINGERS! Its all my damn fault all of it!

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