The Battle

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In Sokovia

"We're under attack! Clear the city, now!" Pietro says running into a police station. No one even bothered to look at him so he ran, grabbed a shotgun, and fired a couple on the roof. Get off your asses." He says before speeding out. Wanda was standing in the middle of the city, using her powers to get inside the Sokovians minds to get them out of their houses. 

" All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Natasha, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." Steve says.

"Natasha! Natasha!" Burce yells walking into the place where Natasha was being kept. "Bruce?" Natasha asks standing up from her cell. "You alright?" He asks walking to her cell. "Yeah" "The team's in the city, it's about to light up." Bruce tells her. " I don't suppose you found a key lying around somewhere?" Natasha asks him. "Yeah, I did." He says holding up a gun and blasting the lock off. 

"So what's our play?" She asks getting out. "We have to help with the evacuation, while Tony fights Ultron. The Twins are out their Mind Control so they're also helping us. As for me I don't have to turn into the Hulk yet there are too many civilians around" Bruce tells her. "Lets get out of here then" Natasha says. 

"Your man's in the church, boss. I think he's waiting for you" The new AI FRIDAY tells him. Tony then flies over to the Church where Ultron was waiting. "Come to confess your sins?" Ultron asks. "I don't know, how much time you got?" Tony asks playing along. "More than you." Ultron retorts. "Uhhh. Have you been juicing? A little Vibranium cocktail? You're looking, I don't wanna say, puffy..." Tony says noticing how Ultron got bigger. "You're stalling to protect the people." "Well, that is the mission. Did you forget?" Tony asks. 

" I've moved beyond your mission. I'm free" Ultron says and right after that a Vibranium Core comes out of the ground." What, you think you're the only one stalling?" He mocks. " There's the rest of the Vibranium. Function: still unclear." FRIDAY tells Tony. " This is how you end, Tony. This is peace in my time" Ultron says and robots start attacking the city. 


 "Get off the bridge! Run!"

Vision then flies in and hovers above Ultron. 

"Ultron." "My Vision. They really did take everything from me." Ultron says also flying up to meet Visions height. " You set the terms, you can change them." Vision tells him. " Alright." Ultron says and starts fighting Vision.

"FRIDAY! The Vision?" Tony asks. "Boss, it's working. He's burning Ultron out of the net, he won't escape through there." She answers. "You shut me out! You think I care? You take away my world, I take away yours." Ultron says activating the Vibranium Core causing Sokovia to start shaking and break. "FRIDAY?" "Sokovia's going for a ride" She answers. 

" Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." Ultron says as Sokovia continues shaking and breaking.

" We gotta move." Bruce tells Natasha feeling the ground shaking. "You're not gonna turn green?" Natasha asks shocked. "Of course I am! I don't want to die or you to die or else the whole team will have my head!" Bruce yells turning into Hulk. Hulk then throws Natasha on his back as the two jump into the city. Once they arrive Hulk throws Natasha off of himself. Natasha then runs into the city going to help out with the Evacuation. 

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