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January 3rd, 2016

It was the day after the fight with Ultron and all of the Avengers were back at the Tower. Today Pepper, Peter, Harley, and Madison were also coming back which was good news. 

After the fight Shield workers came and checked all of their injuries and thankfully none of them were injured badly. Just some bruises and scrapes and some stitches. While everybody else was sleeping or testing Tony was in his lab making sure that The Stark Relief Foundation was helping the scene that was left in Sokovia and blaming himself for what happened. 'If I hadn't messed with the scepter Pietro would still be here' was the only thing that was going through his head. He couldn't even imagine what Wanda was going through. After a couple of minutes, Tony stood up and decided to go check on Wanda.

Walking to Wanda's room was one of the most nerve-racking things Tony has had to do. Tony stood in front of her room taking a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Stark? What are you doing here?" She asks opening the door. When Wanda opened the door her eyes were puffy and red. Her hair was also thrown in a messy bun and she was wearing one of the Pietros favorite hoodies and sweatpants. " Can I come in?" Tony asks. "Sure," She said opening her door to he could walk in. "If you're here to tell me 'Im sorry for your loss'. You're just wasting your time" She said sitting down on her bed. " I know. I wasn't going to say that" He replies which made Wanda look at him confused.

 " I just wanted to say I'm sorry. If I had been paying more attention you guys wouldn't have been taken by Hydra. If I hadn't messed with the scepter Pietro would still be here and you wouldn't be crying." Tony rambled. "Tony it wasn't your fault. It was Ultrons. I understand what you were trying to do and if me and Pietro had been paying more attention we wouldn't have gotten caught. I never blamed you for this." She said making Tony look at her. " I just thought that my weapons were the ones that killed your parents and now my stupid ideas killed your brother," Tony said with a sad and solemn look on his face. "That wasn't you that was your stupid coworker and I moved on from that. Now cheer up your family is coming back." Wanda said with a small smile making Tony smile. 

"You know they're your family too," Tony said standing up to leave. But before he could walk out Wanda pulled him into a hug. "Thank You for everything Tony," Wanda said. "Your welcome Red" Tony said hugging her back. "You need anything come to me," Tony said. Wanda nodded as a reply and Tony walked out, walking to this bedroom to get at least a couple hours of sleep.


It was now a couple of hours later and all of the Avengers were in the living room lounging around. "Boss Mrs. Stark, Madison, and The Twins will be Arriving in approximately 1 minute," FRIDAY said interrupting them. Tony, Natasha, and Steve instantly shot up from whatever they were doing and ran towards the roof where the Quin-Jet would be landing. The rest of the team then followed them up but instead of running, they were walking.

On the Roof

"Pepper!" Tony yelled running on the roof as the Quin-Jet landed and the door opened revealing Pepper holding the Twins and Happy who was holding Madison. Getting on the roof Steve and Natasha slowed down before they could crash into anything but started speedwalking when they saw Madison. 

Tony then hugged Pepper and the Twins making all 3 of them giggle. "I see you missed me," Pepper said watching Tony smother Harley and Peter in kisses. "Oh yeah hey Pep," Tony said kissing Pepper. "You know what you take them," Pepper said with a laugh. Tony instantly took both boys in his arms and started talking to them.  

On the other side of them, Natasha and Steve were having their reunion with Madison.

"I missed you so much Princess," Steve said after thanking Happy and taking Madison from him. "Madison!" Natasha yelled taking her from Steve making him pout. " I missed you so much BabyGirl," Natasha said tickling her making Madison and Steve both laugh. 

After both families had their 'reunions' they saw the rest of the Avengers watching with smiles.

Pepper then went and hugged all of them after that all of the Avengers greeted the babies. Soon enough they were all heading inside to the living room where they originally were.

"Where's Pietro?" Pepper asked making the whole room go silent. "He got killed" Steve quietly said. "What?" She said shocked at the news she was receiving. She then turned to Tony who was hugging Wanda. "Oh Wanda honey I'm so sorry," Pepper said walking over to Wanda and hugging her.

After the whole sad feeling was gone, Tony decided to order pizza since it was already dark outside. The rest of the night was spent in peace in quiet.

It would take time to get over Pietro's death, but they knew they would because they were Family.


ahhhh whos this uploading 3 times in one week.

You guys comment down below any suggestions you have or anything you want the Avengers to do. I'd be happy to hear your guys opinion. :)

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