First Words

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(They are about 11 months in this)

"Okay, Madison say Dada." Steve said sitting in front of his daughter. " No, say Mama." Natasha said joining Steve. 

"Dada." Steve encouraged. "Mama." Natasha said in the same tone. 

The two kept repeating the two words until...

"Dada." Madison said then there was a beat of silence before Madison opened her mouth again and said: " Mama."

"Oh my god. My baby just said her first words." Natasha said. 

"Holy shit she just said her first words!" Steve yelled out in surprise. He then hugged Madison who started giggling. Natasha then joined their little group hug and kissed Madison too. 

Peter and Harley

"Did you hear Madison said her first word?" Tony asked Pepper as she did laundry. " Yes, I did." Pepper answered. "Maybe we should continue trying to get Harley and Peter to talk or at least say their first words." Tony suggested. "Sure why not just give me 5 minutes." Pepper replied.

But Tony being the impatient person he was decided to start. 

"Okay, Peter Harley this will be the most important word in your life. Say, Dada." Tony told the babies who just stared at him blankly. "Dada." Peter said hitting Tony on the head with the toy he had in his hand. "Ow. Why- Did you just say, Dada?" Tony asked. "Say, Dada Pete." Tony encouraged. "Da...Da. Dada Dada Dada Dada." Peter continued babbling. "Pepper! Get in here right now!" Tony yelled and Pepper came running in. " What did something happen?" She asked panicked. "Dada Dada Dada Dada." Peter said shocking Pepper. 

"He said his first word." Pepper said shocked. Tony just nodded excitedly in answer. "What bout Harley?" "Nope he hasn't said anything yet." Tony replied. 

"Harley can you say Mama." Pepper said sitting in front of him. "Ma... Dada."Harley said. Tony then burst out laughing. "He tricked you. He was gonna say Mama but he ended up saying Dada. Looks like I'm the best." Tony said wiping a tear from his eye. "Jerk."Pepper said shoving Tony. 


Thor-Human years he is 34

Bucky- Technically 33

Steve- Technically 32

Bruce- 35





Natasha- 29

Wanda- 25

(I edited the Avengers ages)

ElizabethJonesCooper Thank you for all of the support!

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