The Vacation

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Day 1

March 16, 2016

Because of the time change between Bora Bora and New York, Tony told FRIDAY to wake him up at 10:00 so he could wake up the rest of the team if they weren't already. But Tony being Tony didn't realize the risks until after.

"What the fuck!"Tony yelled after he opened the door to Sam and Bucky's room. Inside he saw both Sam and Bucky having a 'good time'. As soon as he yelled that both of the boys inside paused and looked at Tony in shock. As soon as they looked back at him, Tony closed the door and ran downstairs.

"Tony, what's wrong?" Pepper asked seeing Tony run in with a pale face. "Nothing I just walked into something I shouldn't have seen." He replied confusing Pepper. "Moving on from that are the boys ready for their beach day?" Tony asked changing the subject. "Yeah they just need to drink their milk and we can go." She answered still a little confused. "Where's the rest of the team?" Tony asked. "They're all outside except for Sam and Bucky." Pepper answered. Just then Sam and Bucky came downstairs looking at Tony who was avoiding eye contact with them. "Oh, Goodmorning." Pepper said seeing Sam and Bucky come down. "Morning." They both replied at the same time. "Breakfast is already made. The rest of us are outside." She told them.

Tony and Pepper both then walked out of the kitchen to get Peter and Harley who were both in the living room. "Boys!" Tony said excitedly walking over to Peter and Harley who were excited to see their father. "Loving the outfit." He said after picking them both up. The twins were wearing custom made Ironman themed swimsuits. "Come on let's go outside, Madison and all your Aunties and Uncles are waiting for you." Pepper said taking Harley from Tony leading them outside.

"Morning guys." Tony greeted seeing the team lounging around outside. Tony then walked over to the patch of grass where Madison was playing with her toys and placed Peter beside her. "Morning Giggles." Tony said greeting the baby with a quick tickle making her giggle. Hence the nickname.

"Okay guys since I'm the Captain, I created a schedule for the whole week." Steve said making Tony rolls his eyes. "Day 1. We are going to the beach and do whatever we want. Day 2 we are goi-" "Fuck your schedule." Bucky interrupts coming outside and throwing his clipboard with the schedule in the pool. "Language. How many times do I have to tell you guys that this kind of lan-" Steve says starting a lecture but gets cut off by Bucky pushing him in the pool. "Shut up Steve. We're on vacation" Natasha says watching Steve come up from the water. Steve opened his mouth to say something but closed it when Natasha glared at him. "Sorry sweetheart." Steve says sheepishly.

"I'm gonna go to the beach. Anybody wanna join?" Wanda asks. "I think most of us were gonna go there anyway." Bruce answered.

The whole team then walked to the beach and started setting up the umbrellas and lawn chairs. While Pepper and Natasha got the babies ready for their first time at the beach. Tony and Steve were being total dads by getting a drone that would capture the kids every moment.

"Is your drone thing ready?" Natasha asks. "Almost" Tony answers. "And... done. Dronie you on?" Tony asks the Drone who makes a whirring noise in answer. "Okay, it's on you can put them down now." Steve tells the ladies.

Pepper and Natasha both put the babies down and everybody watched their reaction to the sand.

Madison was the first one to move. She was unbothered by it and started crawling around giggling. "Well, then she takes after her mother." Sam said referring to Natasha being the first to do things before the boys. Harley sat there and then started whimpering. Which caused him to start crying and Pepper to pick him up. Peter then moved around in the sand for a while then threw it around and even tried eating it. "Pete you can't eat that." Tony said opening the baby's fist and dropping the sand from it.

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