The First Month

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September 1st, 2015

It had been a few weeks since the 3 new additions in the Tower and Steve, Natasha, Tony, and Pepper were all on the verge of passing out. Throughout those weeks they have to wake up every 3 hours to feed, burp, change the diaper, and put the babies back to sleep.

Pepper had SI to worry about, Tony had to upgrade the teams and his own armor, and Fury being the annoying person he is wouldn't stop bothering the 3 superheroes.

The team could tell that the new parent weren't doing to well and had come up with a plan.

September 2nd, 2015

"J.A.R.V.I.S can you get Natasha, Steve, Tony, and Pepper in here?" Bruce asked the A.I. "They are coming down now and may I warn you they are very grumpy" The A.I answered. "What do you want Bruce " Tony grumbled holding a crying Harley. "Before Nat kills us we just want to say. You guys can do whatever you want tonight while we watch your kids" Bucky said. "Really you guys would do that for us?" Steve asked. "Of course we would Pal" Bucky answered. "Okay, you need to feed them, burp them and change their diapers" Pepper explained handing a sleeping Peter over to Wanda while Tony handed Peter to Bruce and Steve handed Madison to Bucky. "Oh, and if Peter and Harley start to get fussy and nothing helps get one of my old Arc Reactors and give it to them," Tony told Bruce. "Same for Madison but her Pink Bear," Natasha said. "Okay, we got this. You guys can do whatever you need to do" Sam said patting Steve and Tony's backs.

Tony and Pepper

" You know I thought that because you never sleep this would be easy for you," Pepper said laying down in hers and Tony's bed. "So did I but here we are" Tony replied laying down and immediately bringing Pepper to his chest. "I love you, Tony," Pepper said wrapping her arms around his waist. "I love you too Pep," Tony said kissing her forehead. In less than 5 minutes the two were asleep.

Natasha and Steve

"Stevie hurry up I'm cold," Natasha said laying in her and Steve's bed waiting for her husband to finish changing. "I'm coming" Steve replied walking out of the washroom and laying down in their bed. As soon as Steve laid down Natasha cuddled her head into his head while Steve wrapped an arm around her. "Thank you, Steve," Natasha said. "Why are you thanking me? Steve asked. "Because you gave me a family I thought I would never get" "Well in that case I want to thank you too. Now go to sleep Doll" Steve said kissing her forehead.

The Avengers

It had been an hour since Tony, Steve, Natasha, and Pepper had left the babies and everything was going great because the 3 babies were sleeping but then everything went to hell once they woke up. " What the hell he just peed on me!"  Sam yelled. "Bruce where does Tony keep his Arc Reactors!" "In the lab, they're in a red box!" Bruce yelled back. "Wanda Madison needs her milk!" Bucky yelled. After 30 minutes of nonstop yelling Bruce had enough and was about to hulk out. "SHUT UP!" He yelled his skin slightly green. "Okay, why do you guys have to make everything so difficult. Bucky, Sam, and Clint you guys are on diaper duty, Wanda and I will feed them and Thor, since he's been pretty good with calming them down you and Darcy, can help them sleep and Loki if you want you can help them" Bruce said irritated. And yes before you ask Darcy ad Loki had come back from Asgard and were now at the tower.

After that, everything was quieter and soon enough The 3 babies and the whole team were asleep. 

Time Skip

The two couples then came into the living room and their hearts melted when they saw the scene in front of them. Sam had Peter on his chest and Bucky had his arms wrapped around the two of them. Thor had Harley in one of his arms and Bruce was beside him his finger in Harley's hand. Clint was on the floor near Wanda and Pietro who had Madison in between them. "J.A.R.V.I.S take a picture and add it to the photo album" Pepper whispered quietly. "All ready done Mrs.Stark," J.A.R.V.I.S said.

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