
844 21 3

March 24, 2016

"BOSS." Friday said waking Tony up from his slumber. "What is it FRI." Tony grumbled. "I think there is an Article you should see. It's about Master Peter and Harley and about Miss. Madison."FRIDAY told him. "What!" Tony yelled out now wide awake. "FRIDAY send it to my tablet right now." Tony barked. FRIDAY then sent it to Tony and he started reading an article that the JustJared wrote.

JustJared Article

The Starks are Parents now?

Yes, you heard right The Starks are now parents! We have just gotten pictures of Tony Stark and Natasha Stark holding babies. But the twist is that Tony was seen holding two different babies while the Baby Natasha Stark was blond.

Not only that Steve Rogers was seen taking the baby from Natasha and kissing her head. Steve Rogers is also one of the only Blond members on the team (Other than Thor)which could mean that it is his child. 3 years ago it was rumored that Natasha Stark and Steve Rogers were dating but the rumors were never denied by the couple and this can only confirm that they are dating.

Tony Stark and Pepper Potts confirmed that they got married in 2014 but the exact date isn't known. There have also been sightings of both Natasha Stark and Pepper Potts with baby bumps but all pictures that were taken were somehow deleted.

Natasha Stark has also not been seen out in the field for months now. From what we can tell Pepper Potts and Tony Stark have twin boys while Natasha Stark and Steve Rogers have a daughter. From the pictures, we can assume that the 3 babies are around the same age. Which is 5-7 months.

We haven't heard anything from the Parents yet so stay tuned.

"Ah for Christ's sake. FRIDAY send this to Pepper, Natasha, Steve, and SI's Publicists." Tony said rubbing a hand over his face. "Right away BOSS." Friday answered. 


As soon as Pepper got the news she called an emergency meeting with The SI PR team. 

At around 12:00 pm Tony, Pepper, Natasha, and Steve along with the PR team were gathered in a meeting room discussing what they could do with the situation. 

"The team and I have been thinking to hold a small press conference and tell everybody about the kids. You don't have to show them to the public and tell them a lot of information about them. Just small details like their names and birthdays. We won't allow any questions. What do you think?." The PR team representative asked them. 

"That's not a bad idea." Steve said with an appreciative nod. "As for the situation between Mr. Rogers and Mrs.Rogers we recommend that you tell the public about your guys' relationship status." The representative added. "Martha you are getting a raise." Tony said. "Oh Mr.Stark that won't be necessary, I'm just doing my job." Martha said. "Nonsense." Tony said waving his hand. "FRIDAY do me a favor and give Miss.Martha a raise." Tony said. "Already done sir." FRIDAY responded. 

"Moving on from that, Martha when is the earliest you can organize the Press Conference?"Pepper asked. "We can have one today. But it really depends on your guys' schedules." Martha answered. "That won't be a problem I've already asked FRIDAY to clear all of our schedules." Pepper said. "Well, that's great! Give me a minute and I'll book a press conference." Martha said.

A couple of minutes later Martha informed them she had booked a press conference for 4:30 today. They said their goodbyes and parted ways. 

Since it was only 12:30 they had around 4 hours to kill. 

Tony and Pepper both tried to tire the twins out so they could have their nap earlier and be happier during the press conference. Since Madison was taking her nap Steve and Natasha started getting their outfits ready.

At around 1:15 the twins were asleep, so Tony went to his workshop while Pepper stayed in their room and did some work. At 1:45 Madison woke up so Natasha fed her and let her play with Steve for a while, so she could shower. After Natasha had showered it was Steve's turn so Natasha played with Madison. Then Madison had her shower. After all three of them had showered they both hung out with Madison and cuddled for a while. 

By 3:00 The twins woke up so Pepper and Tony spent a good half hour showering them and getting them dressed. After Harley and Peter were dressed Pepper went to shower while Tony fed them snacks. After Pepper came out Tony went in. Pepper then started doing her hair and makeup. At this time Steve and Natasha were getting Madison dressed and after that started putting on their own outfits. 

At 4:20 they all took the elevator down to the 35th floor where the press conference would be held. They entered through the back so none of the press people would see the kiddos. 

10 minutes later Tony, Steve, Natasha, and Pepper all went into the press room. As soon as they walked cameras started flashing and reporters started yelling questions. 

To get the Audiences attention Tony took the mike and patted the top of it so that annoying feedback noise would be heard. Once they all quieted down Tony started speaking. 

"Good Evening to all of you here and all of you watching at home."Tony started. "Today we will be addressing the rumors about Steve and Natasha having daughter along with Pepper and I having kids as well. Those rumors are true. Pepper and I have had the honor of becoming parents to twin boys. Harley and Peter Stark. They were born on August 10th. For now, I will be letting Captain Rogers take over." Tony said moving out of the way.

"Thank you, Tony. Like Mr.Stark said before Natasha and I have a daughter. Her name is Madison Rogers and she was born 11 days after the Stark Twins. August 21. Along with us revealing our kids. Natasha and I are now married. Those rumors of us were true but we never found the need to address them. My wife and I got married early last year but we will not be revealing the date. Natasha now goes as Mrs.Rogers. For our kid's safety, we are asking you all not to take any pictures of our kids if we are in public anytime. Mrs. Stark has made sure that if any pictures of them are revealed you will get sued. So please don't take any pictures." Steve said in his Captain America voice. 

"Now we have all decided that you all are allowed to see our children today. But these are the only pictures that will be taken by the press until further notice." Steve added.

Happy and Martha then brought out the kids from the back and gave them to their parents. 

"This is your time to take any pictures. But please turn your flash off." Natasha told them. 

For the next couple of minutes, the Press took pictures until Pepper and Natasha handed the babies back to Happy and Martha. 

"This now concludes the press conference thank you for coming." Pepper politely says and walks backstage. 

Once everybody was backstage they all headed back to do their jobs or go to their rooms and spent the rest of the night together. 

Hopefully, now they could get some rest.


OMG. I'm so sorry for the lack of updates my life is crazy as hell right now. After the kid's first birthday, this will go a lot faster and will slow down when they get into high school or middle school. 

I promise to try to update more often. Keep commenting on my book I love reading them.

Until next time. 

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