Chapter Twenty

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Back at home I paced the room up and down to find answers to the many questions in my head. This can't be happening to me Alex doesn't know it wasn't me, he wouldn't do that to me, after all we have been through. Who am I kidding, a small laugh escaped my throat, of course Alex would do that to me. He had done worse. I don't even know how I, in just a short time, forget all the shit that Alexander Laurent has put me through.

"Hey," I heard a voice behind me, it was him. I felt his hand on my back, it felt cold and I jolted, putting as much distance between us as possible. Right now, he disgusted the hell out of me.

"Are you alright?" He reached for me. I moved another step back. what's wrong "what's wrong Edna?" He said with fake concern.

'Don't you fucking touch me' I said coldly, glaring at him.

I knew the answer to the question that I wanted to ask. I knew that Alexander, the narcissistic, life–wrecking, control freak that he is actually knew I was innocent and continued to blackmail me. I wanted to hear him say it. I wanted to know if he was the devil everyone warned me about.

"You knew I was innocent all this while and refused to tell me didn't you?" I asked, please say no, please tell me everything she said wasn't true. I beg you. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Yes." He replied. Simple. Cold. No emotion.

"Huh." The small laugh escaped again. I am doing a lot of that today. I wiped angrily at the tears and looked back up at him silently.

"Look I am sorry I did not tell you about my discoveries, but I promise there's a logical explanation."

Yeah right. "I'd be surprised if there isn't."

"I didn't want our relationship to get ruined, I just started getting to know my son and I am happy, which is something that is new to me ever since we separated, I thought telling you mean loosing you."

'And so you decided to just keep lying to my face, as if that wasn't enough, I heard it from Selena, and all you cared about was your happiness give me a break Alex'

"Edna." He grounded out. He wants to play the impatient card with me? Who does he think he is?

"Don't say my name, you don't deserve that pleasure."

"I know you are mad at me. I completely understand. I will give you some space, take all the time you need." he said turning to leave the room.

"Then by all means please leave. I don't want to have to deal with you." I said between clenched teeth, "I would be out of this prison you call a home by tomorrow." I told him as he exited the room.

I felt my world spin in circles, everything was going on so great. Alex just had to ruin it with his selfishness. Have he for once considered how I have been hurting for the past years? Having everyone look at me with their judgmental gaze? Being blamed for what I didn't do? And when he had it in his power to give me some form of closure, to at least reassure me, he withheld the truth from me.

He wanted us to be married for real? He wanted us to be a real family? How pathetic of me to believe him. He just kept following his script till the very end. Well played Alexander Laurent. Well played indeed.

I collapsed on the bed and started sobbing. My whole life have come crashing down around me again by the same person that built it. Twice. How ironic. I never learn and now I couldn't save myself either.

Alex POV

I didn't know what to do, I couldn't just let Edna walk away from my life again. Those past years without her was like hell to me. And now that I have her and Peter and wished we become family, everything is ruined because of my deceit. If only I just told her the truth.

I reached for my phone in the pocket of my blazer and dialed a number.

"Hello." An overly cheery voice answered from the other end.

"Selena, what did you do and how did you know about everything?"

'How do yo think?' A sinister reply.

All the pieces of the puzzle began to fall in place. I don't know how I didn't figure it out from the very beginning. In that moment I knew that everything was Selena's doing. Selling my company out, Breaking up with Edna, everything. Although I have a hand in it too. I let it happen.

"I loved you so much Alex, I did everything to show you my affection but all you did was push me away for that simpleton lover of yours." Her words were laced with so much venom. I couldn't believe how blind I was about her.

"Selena, that's not love. You were just insanely obsessed."

"Call it whatever you want Pretty boy, but you know I love you, forget about her and let's have a family together."

"Selena you are crazy and I am going to make you pay for attempting to ruin my life."

"Oh Alexander," she said my name in such a sultry manner that in that moment I felt disgusted with myself for ever having something to do with someone like her.

"You don't have proof that I did anything to you or your company, so instead of wasting your time and energy in putting me behind bars, how about you forget your precious Edna and we can be a family."

"Don't ever say her name from your mouth." I ground out. "You disgust me Selena." She hung up.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh." I yelled, throwing the phone on the wall. It smashed into bits.

I needed to find something that incriminates Selena before she does any further harm to Edna, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I lose her. I opened the door to the room and saw Edna sleeping, I changed my clothes and took a spare blanket to go sleep in the other bedroom. Right now, I needed to give her some space but I was sure as I was of the sun rising from the east that Edna wasn't walking out of my life ever again.

Authors Note
Another chapter guys, We are sorry it tookus so long to write. We have been struggling with writers block and our busy schedule so we couldn't pen down anything.
Tell us your thoughts and expectations concerning this book, because we are gradually coming to the end.

P.S: Don't forget to vote 🗳, because we need those stars ⭐️ .

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