Chapter Fourteen

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I got back to Alex's house just in time to see Mrs Trent drop Peter off. She insisted that I let her pick him from school and since I had house the restaurant scouting thing today, I let her pick him up.
"what's up sweetie?" I said wrapping him in a hug "Did you have fun?" He nodded his head in and grinned at me. "I baked chocolate chip cookies! Will you show mommy the ones I made Mrs Trent?" He was facing Mrs Trent now but I was sure he was giving her 'goo-goo' eyes. Mrs Trent gave me a plastic dish that obviously contained the cookies Peter was so pleased about.
"Thanks Mrs Trent s," I said giving her a quick hug, "you're a rare one"
"It's no problem, honest"
Mrs Trent left and I walked in with Peter. He was trying to con me into giving him some cookies before dinner, the little devil.
"Just one mommy, I promise."
"No Peter, you'd ruin your dinner."
"Mooooooom," he whined.
"Peter, you're a big boy and big boy don't -"
"-Sulk," he pouted defeatedly.
"You can have one before your dinner," he jumped up and down clapping happily.

I gave him a cookie and led him upstairs for a shower. After giving myself a shower as well, we went downstairs for dinner. Regina was was setting the table when I came downstairs and when I tried to help her with it she politely ordered me to sit. Alexander wasn't at the table yet but I heard the door of his room open so I knew he was around. He came down for dinner five minutes later and we ate in silence, except for Peter though. He was chattering away about his friends at school and play dates and toys and basically everything going on in his four year old life. It made me smile but the way Alexander has been silent for over a week made me dread that he was about to dump a big one on me. It felt like a dark cloud was looming over my head waiting to burst when I least expect.

We finished dinner and helped Peter brush his teeth and prepare for bed. I needed some stuff from Alex's room so after I put him to sleep I walked down the corridor to the master bedroom. Alex was sitting on a desk, his fingers flying all over the keys on his laptop. I walked into the closet and grabbed a few sweats and T-shirts.
"I thought we had a truce," I jumped back, startled. He was leaning on the entrance to the closet. I cleared my throat.
"Of course, why?"
"Well for one, you haven't moved back into our room," he crossed his arms over his chest, drawing my eyes to his muscles. Huh, how about that? He wasn't wearing a shirt. I wonder how I could ignore that.
"It's your room Alexander, and I don't think it's so necessary that I stay in it. It's not like I'm running away or something." I said staring at him in the eye.
"Still, our contract states that we're to stay in the same room to make the marriage believable."
"I doubt your housekeeper believes that we're married for real Alexander and who do we need to put on a show for?"
"You still have to move back in." There was tension in his tone. He's angry? And what, I don't have the right to be? Egocentric ass.
"I don't want to Alex."
"Fine. You need to get ready tomorrow morning. We're meeting shareholders of my fathers company. I'll get Regina to drop Peter at his daycare."
"But it's not necessary is it? I mean you can just show them the marriage certificate or something," I was nervous. He couldn't deem it fit to tell me this before?
"Maybe not. But I can't take chances."
I hated him because of that statement. Not take chances. Like I was just a means to an end.
"I understand. Just like you wouldn't take chances four years ago when you kicked me out of your life and your company right?"
"Edna I didn't–"
I didn't wait for him to finish. I stormed out of his room with the clothes in my hands.

Hell I always seem to mess up with her. I destroyed her when I kicked her out of the company like that. Even if she were guilty, I was going to marry her. I treated her like crap. Because I had Selena whispering down my ear. Yes If anything, I am glad because of this marriage. I helped me get rid of her manipulate claws.
I ran my fingers through my hair tiredly. I really fucked up this time. I can't help but imagine how she'd react if I told her that I found out she was innocent and still continued using her. I know other women in her shoes will do everything in their power to ruin my reputation.
Somehow I knew Edna wasn't like that. It wasn't just in her to hurt people. It took me four years to realize that. The moment I have the company in my hands, I'll start making amends. As for now, I needed to just focus on getting it.

Author's note
Hey guys 👋
So sorry for the late updates. We have been really caught up in school work lately and We haven't been able to write much. Thanks for understanding and stay safe.

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