Chapter seventeen

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I've never been as cranky in my whole life as I'd been for the past few weeks. Alexander has been a perfect person and I honestly couldn't find a fault. He'd put Peter to bed and make him snacks and breakfast sometimes. He always asks my permission to take Peter out granted, he'd do that when he's within earshot so I couldn't say no to him. He'd call me to ask if he was allergic to something whenever they go on their stupid dates and even invite me on few occasions. I always say no obviously. I've been tempted though.
They always have fun and he doesn't give him too much candy and ice cream because it's bad for his teeth. I know this because Peter always recounts the days' events whenever we have dinner. I'm definitely not jealous of Peter. Alexander, I'm not so sure. It's not fair that they have their own thing going on and I don't care how shitty it sounds. The natural human side of me doesn't want Alexander Laurent to be happy, worse, with my baby.

I was currently picking furniture for my restaurant. I was getting my papers by mail tomorrow and I wanted to get everything ready for the opening in six months. I'd already found some pieces I really liked and was looking through wallpaper I was conflicted on whether to go for a cozy homely theme or bright and happy. I had taken a cab to the restaurant space to see if the environment would grant me the inspiration I needed. My phone rang suddenly making me jump and I almost dropped it. Why was Alex calling me now. Peter was at school so there wasn't any reason I could think of.
"Yeah?" I said immediately I'd picked the call.
"Can we talk?" His voice boomed through the other end of the line.
"We're talking now," I said rolling my eyes.
"No. Not on the phone, face to face."
"Alex, I literally sleep on the same bed as you, can't it wait?"
"No it's really important. I'd be coming to pick you in five minutes."
"Wait I'm not at-" the line went dead. How rude. I gathered my papers and began to lock up. I honestly didn't look forward to waiting in the sun for a cab to take me to his house. Alex's black Mercedes pulled up in front of me and he got down the open the door for me. I can't not believe this ass.
"Are you having me followed now Alexander? What, you want to know which competitor I intend to leak vital documents to now?"
"Get in and don't cause a scene." He muttered pushing me in firmly yet surprisingly gentle. I didn't have the energy for his antics so I just let him get away. We drove in silence all the way to his company building and he parked giving his keys to the valet. We entered the building and rode the private elevator to his office. He shut the door behind us and offered me a seat.
"What was so important that you couldn't tell me at the place you picked me from?" I asked, reining in the anger that was bubbling within me.
"Do you hate me so much that the thought of my company alone creates so much anger in you?"
"What do you want from me Alex. I've given you everything I had before, it wasn't enough  for you." wa
"I want what we had before." At that moment I resisted the urge to hit him.
"I can see that you've gone bat shit crazy." I muttered finally taking the seat he offered.
"Fine. I want equal custody."
I can't believe him. I knew it was too good to be true anyway. There's no way Alex would've just been such a good guy, content with little play dates.

I am such an idiot. That's all I can think of as I watched the emotions cross her face. Few minutes with her and my senses become all jumbled up. I don't even know why it came out of my mouth and it wasn't something I could take back.
"I guess I should get myself a lawyer then." She said, her voice sounded cold. It felt as if my heart was ripped out of my chest. To be honest, I didn't really have anything to talk to her about. I just needed to see her and I put myself in a mess that I had no idea of how to get out of. I had to do damage control. I can't lose Edna for any reason.
"I didn't mean it that way," I said reaching for her hand. She tried to pull away but I held onto it.
"I don't care how you meant it." She gritted out (is gritted even a word? 🤔)
"I want to still be with you. Even after the contract expires. I want to be with you and Peter."
"For how long?" She asks.
"As long as it takes."

Long chapter! Yay!
One of the longest chapters yet. Plus two updates at once.Are we cool or what?

Anywhoooo... tell us your thoughts. What do you think Edna would do?  I'm totally rooting for Alex btw...

Pweese pweese pweety pweeeese....
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