Chapter five

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-If I shoot at the sun, I may hit a star-

Edna POV
I wondered back and forth in the elevator with Peter as we were going up to Alex's penthouse. His chauffeur, Chris, dropped us off after telling me in a politely-rude manner that Alex would not be home till six in the evening.
That means I had time on  my hands before he came hopefully I'd be able to get Peter settled in and maybe, I just might settle myself. Who am I kidding I am a bundle of nerves right now and I'm likely to remain that way. The elevator dinged and I picked Peter up, my motherly instinct still not settled about letting my child walk around an unfamiliar territory. He held a rubix in his hand frowning at it, I guess the move was taking a toll on him.
I rolled our suitcases into the rooms two in all .
I might have been dreaming three years ago but I wasn't stupid.
I would still keep paying the rent for my apartment. It was good I could still keep it for six months. I expected Alex to dump me off after he was done with the sham. Only two rooms were open as I walked in, I let Peter to his rubix  and rolled Peter's box. My phone rang almost immediately my hands reached for my pocket to pick quickly pick up the call
" Hello" I say turning off the lock
"You'd be staying in  my room hope you still remember it. That was where the papers were after all" Alex voice boomed over the phone.
"I still remember it" my voice coming out shaky.
"Good" he said either because I was shaken or because I remembered his room. I rolled the box into the room and went back downstairs for the other suitcase and for Peter.
   "Come upstairs with me and we'd see your new room alright"
  "Okay" he said giving me a charming smile that I knew all too well.
Alex came home after Peter settled for a nap at about 4pm.
By then, I had unpacked both suitcases. We had an early lunch  listening to Peter chatter about how tired he is of home and when he could go to school and all the friend he'd make. Call me over protective but I actually want to home school him although I knew it would aid his shy nature. I gave him a bath and then tucked him in.
I finished packing and had my own shower and also had a change of clothes before he dozed off. I was deep into a novel when Alex walked in.
"I see you are settled" he said loudly, startling me out of my 'zone'.
He handed the documents containing the contact to me; "the prenuptial and marriage contract"
"You can read it if you want, I'm not changing it either way and I think you have no choice whatsoever"
"Okay" I said collecting the paper and a pen signing it straight away. The sooner I was done with this sham, the better.
"Done" I handed it back to him.
"I made dinner if you are interested"... Not waiting for his response, I left to get some rest. Alex just loved getting on my nerves. It was like I was toy he could toss around as he pleases. I just wanted peace in my life and I feel like I am far from getting it.
I hope I would use this opportunity to prove Alex was in the wrong and not me. I hope he realizes that he lost me the moment he left me high and dry without waiting for any explanation. The world was certainly against me but I wasn't going to give up the fight. I needed to do this for Peter and myself and most importantly my sanity because honestly I was loosing it and Alex wasn't helping.

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