Chapter Four

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Edna POV
I pulled the covers off and walked into the bathroom. After the night I've had, I needed a cold shower to wake me up and also to clear my head.
Typical Alex coming into my life and making a mess of it. Again.

I hated him for not listening to me four years ago. For not trusting my word.
I hated him for destroying the connection we shared in that single day.
Most of all I hated him for making me love him.
He came into my life, charm, beauty and all and I fell. Hard and fast. I always knew our relationship was one sided, that sooner rather than later, he'd dump my ass. I still hated him for that.
Now he's coming back into my life like I owed him something. I didn't. But he doesn't know that, and the police didn't know that, and all evidence points to me. It would take a miracle for me to get out of this one. I for one know it.

I walked out of the shower drying my hair. I needed to make breakfast and get Peter ready before Alex sends our ride. I also needed to call the manager at the grocery store. I didn't think Alex would want me working there now that we were 'getting married'. I'd have to call Mrs. Trent to tell her that she wouldn't be watching Peter anymore. The older lady would be heartbroken all over again but I would try my best to tell her the truth without telling her everything. I'd probably just tell her it's complicated and I'd visit her when I can. I hoped she wouldn't be too sad.

I woke Peter up for his bath after I'd made some important calls and cooked breakfast. I needed to talk to him before we leave. It wouldn't be fair if l didn't.
I didn't care if it makes me a terrible person but Alex wouldn't know about his son and yes, Peter was his son. Peter looks like his father,a lot but Alex could be oblivious. If l know him as well as I think I do, Alex would very much leave me alone except he wants to make a jab at me.

I'd just have to make sure Peter and Alex are not always together, considering how shy Peter gets, how had could it be?
I gave Peter a bath sat him at the table for his cereal. I was surprisingly lucky raising him. He walked early, talked early, started eating by himself and all the other stuff toddlers couldn't do. He wasn't messy or noisy and sometimes I have to admit, it makes me worry. Mrs. Trent assured me that some kids are like that all the time.

"Yes Mummy"
"We'd have to leave this house and move in with a friend today", some friend, "is that okay?"
"Yeah I guess so"
Wow. That went easier than I expected.
"You're sure? You know you can tell me anything right?"
"Yes Mummy. It's okay if we have to leave", he shrugged, some milk dripped on his chin. I leaned in to wipe it off and just like that, the weight was lifted from my chest.
"Then finish your breakfast and we'll go upstairs and pack alright?"

What's up FAM, we are back with more chapters coming your way. Hoped you enjoyed this chapter and the previous. Don't forget to leave your thoughts.

Yours truly,

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