Chapter Eight

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Alex house keeper had made pancakes and I must admit they looked really good. I didn't really like the idea of not making Peter's breakfast. But since I was in a hurry to leave the house, I'd just have to just deal. I have had to deal with a lot already so, what can a little pancake do anyway.

I got dressed in a pair of jeans and tee I, like other lucky mothers, was able to get my body to its former shape and I couldn't be more grateful, since I hated exercises. Like seriously doing anything that will get me all sweaty. Although after the incident with Alex, I soon found out I could run for hours, if it was just to get him out of my head and I did and it did work until everything rushes back in whenever I step into the house or have contact with anything pertaining to him.
I got downstairs in time to see Peter finish the last of his breakfast he seemed so happy that it was almost heartbreaking to see him resume school after the summer break. I just needed this sham to be over and then I would go back pretending Alex Laurent didn't exist. It was almost tempting to believe myself. Almost. I took some toast and a carton of juice.

I finished my breakfast and I cleared the dishes. I needed to leave the house before Alex came out from wherever he was hiding.
"Morning everyone" Alex voice boomed from the kitchen area.
"Why does everyone abhor me so much", I muttered under my breath

"What was that?" Alex asked taking a slice of toast for himself as well
" was nothing" I stuttered

Peter ran out of the kitchen when he saw a dog run by the house. Obviously, Alex didn't remember I was allergic. As he didn't remember anything that concerns me. Since I was not ready to settle here for long, I was going to try and avoid any contact with the dog. I wasn't going to tell him I was allergic, obviously. besides it wasn't a serious kind of allergy. I could ignore it

"The lawyers are going to be here with all the papers today, everything has been fully organized all you have to do is sign" he informs me
"Okay" I replied in a bored defeated tone.
"There would be no sort of celebration. I would hate any attention at this time"
"Okay" with the same tone I used the first time.
He tightened his fist and stormed out of the kitchen. Wait, did I say something wrong? Was I supposed to beg? It's not like it's going to change anything is it?
I had already accepted my fate and he is not happy. "What do you want Alex Laurent" I said in my head.

I stormed into my room as I slammed the door behind me. I hit my clenched fist on the bedside table
"Arrrghhhh" I screamed. Why does she act all innocent like she didn't mess my life up and she still can't apologize to me for the hurt she caused me.
What did I do to you Edna to deserve what came upon I and my company.
Thinking this marriage sham was going to hurt her so bad, I can see she is getting used to this charade. And the feeling she gives me whenever I come close to her,
Damn those feelings. "Alex you need to get your head straight" I say to myself

I needed to be done with this marriage and erase Edna from my life for good.

Writers POV
The lawyers came over to the house and Alex and Edna signed the papers and everything involving the contract.

soon I was going to get my shares from my Father's company before his vulture of a brother comes to claim all of my father's hard-work.
"Ding, ding, ding" my phone rang interrupting my thoughts.
"Sir you need to get down here now" Cole my assistant said in a demanding tone.

Hey guys I know you are wondering what the call was about...can't wait for you guys to read chapter nine and ten. Please don't forget to vote, there is nothing more encouraging to a writer to write when people like her work.🙏

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