Prologue - hour one

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As Harry sat in the cold, miserable cell he couldn't help but let his mind race. It had been one week... No one hour since he had been shoved into this damp, dirty prison. Held in one of the top security floors, in fact the very top. Only 3 other people remained here with him. The Lestrange brothers; Rodolphus and Rabastian and Bellatrix Lestrange. In his one hour of being here 5 dementors had passed, Bellatrix was muttering to herself while Rodolphus remained silent, only Rabastian had tried to talk to him, but with no success. You should be wondering how he ended up in this mess. Well...

It had started off on a calm Friday night... actually more like a horrific Friday night. Harry was cleaning up the dishes from the Dursley's, Aunt Marge and Ripper, before Harry knew it Marge had started insulting his parents. Harry who was now seeing red, lost control of his magic. Aunt Marge was getting bigger and bigger as she floated out of the house, now the size of a hot air balloon as she floated off into the night sky. Harry then panicked realising what he had done and quickly left the crowd of his relatives to go grab his trunk. As he headed downstairs he opened the door only to be confronted by three auror's and a and two other ministry officials. He was instantly arrested for underaged magic, use of magic in front of a muggle and use of magic on a muggle. Without a trial he was tossed into Azkaban and told he would never see the light of day again.

Harry just sat there in complete silence he didn't even believe he was in the hell-hole of a place. The only constant remainder was the dreaded hopelessness you felt as the dementors floated by you.

Hopeless... Yes, it was hopeless. Believing you could get out, Harry looked around only to be met with the pitiful look that Rabastian shot him. Rabastian then started talking to him again explaining what the prison was like, how the blocks where ordered and how it all worked. With Harry just inclining his head not even bothering to talk, his mouth was too dry and sore. He let out a shaky breath, he really was here wasn't he. The stories told by Ron Weasley; to him anyway had just been myths... that is until now.


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