Ch.14 Past

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"The only reason I am able to defy him like this is because Namjoon was never meant to be alpha...I was."

Jungkook fell silent with baited breath, quietly observing my reaction.I stared back into his eyes which seemed to hold countless valleys filled with worry and vulnerability.

"You were meant to be alpha?" I repeated his statement, confusion bluntly obvious on my face.

He nodded his head, dropping his arms from around my waist.

"I know when you came in here to find me that Taehyung mentioned something had happened in my past, I could hear him." Jungkook leaned back into the counter, his eyes glued to the floor.

"I didn't realize you could hear." I responded. I knew his hearing was well beyond anything I could even imagine, but the thought he could hear me outside talking to Tae didn't even cross my mind.

"It's not your fault. Taehyung knew I could hear what he was saying to you. He knew what he was doing. He wanted to coax me into telling you what has happened in the past." Jungkook looked up at me making eye contact. In that moment, all traces of the confident guy he was when we first arrived all but melted off. I could see the walls breaking down around him as his eyes glistened with unshed tears. He was offering a part of himself that had never been surfaced around me.

"Jungkook, you don't have to tell me anything if you aren't ready, I'm willing to wait." I soothed.

Jungkook stepped forward, raising his hands to glide down my arms on either side.

"No it's not that. I do want to tell you. I have wanted to since I first met you. I'm just...afraid you might look at me different afterwards." I picked up on the way his bottom lip quivered slightly.

"Jungkook, I would never judge you for something or think of you in a different way. The person who you are now is what matters. The person who you are now is who I care for."  I reached up and placed my thumb on his bottom lip, stopping the way it tremored.

He let out a shaky breath before speaking again. "Promise?"

"I promise." I assured him.

Jungkook closed his eyes slowly, collecting himself before opening them again. "Like I said before, I was suppose to be alpha, not Namjoon, it was always my fate to follow in my father's footsteps. The title and responsibly of being alpha runs in our blood line. Namjoon's dad was beta, second in command to my father. Luna and Taehyung were children of other members within the pack my dad led. I've known those three my entire life.

My father and the other older members of the pack, I guess you could consider them witch hunters. They would spend the majority of their time planning and strategically deciding where clans of witches resided. Most of the time, our pack would relocate to places where clans were just so they could hunt them down.
My mother always got onto him for putting the pack and the pups in danger, but my dad was the alpha, nothing could hurt him. To him and everyone else, he was invincible." Jungkook stopped for a moment, giving a half hearted chuckled before continuing, "I was around six or seven years old, my mother had just given birth to a girl, my baby sister. My dad and mother were home alone with the new baby, spending time bonding with her. I was out in the woods, goofing off by myself. A trio of strangers approached me. Who knows how long they had been scouting our pack before they decided to make their move.

Being a kid, I was naive and sightless, they told me they were part of a nearby pack, that they had heard great stories about my dad, the alpha, and that they wanted to pay their respects to him. They asked if I could lead them to my pack house. Of course I was thrilled. My dad was my idol, I looked up to him more than anyone I knew, I wanted to be just like him, so I led those strangers to my pack house. I willingly opened the door, leading them upstairs to my family.

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