Ch.5 Note

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Jungkook felt y/n's heart rate steady into a slow pace. He looked down at her lips which had formed into a pout when she fell asleep. His heart ached looking at her. How he had been lucky enough to have such a beautiful, perfect mate was beyond him. His hyungs had always said finding your mate is the equivalent to finding a light when all you've known is darkness. He thought they were just being dramatic, but the second he had made eye contact with you, he knew he would do anything to make sure you were happy and safe.

You whimpered in your sleep, trying to burrow your face further into his chest. Jungkook brought his hand up to cup your cheek, trying to soothe whatever distress your dreams were making you feel.

Jungkook stood up with you in his arms and walked to your bedroom to tuck you in. He knew where your room was. He was constantly standing guard around your house. He was sure you had spotted him at points but he always tried to make sure he was gone from sight in an instant whenever this happened.

He laid you down on your bed, pulling your duvet over you to make sure you would stay warm. He wish he could've stayed over night but Namjoon, his alpha, had given strict orders that he be on patrol tonight. It physically hurt him to be away from you for so long. Every time you parted ways, you took a part of him with you. He wasn't whole when you two weren't together.

He admired your face before standing up and making a means to leave. Before he could even step away though, your hand reached out and grasped his. He looked back to see your eyes slightly open.

"Jungkook, stay. Please." You begged. It was obvious you were in a half dream, half awake state by the way you slurred your words.

"I'm right here baby." Jungkook said without thinking. He mentally cursed himself for calling you that, thanking that you were out of it enough to not catch it. Jungkook was always afraid to over step his boundaries with you. He didn't want to lose you to something as stupid as him being too forward, which is why most of the time he let you initiate when you would see each other.

He held so much guilt knowing that he was keeping an abundance of secrets from you. Mates were suppose share everything with each other, and having to hide this part of himself did not settle well with him. But what could he do? Tell you 'hey y/n by the way. I'm actually a supernatural creature, hope that reality shock doesn't upset you too much?' Absolutely not.

He had been discussing with his hyungs on ways he could carefully break it to you, but so far none of their ideas had seemed manageable. Namjoon suggested getting you a bouquet of flowers and wine so you could be swooned with his act of love and alcohol before breaking the news. Jungkook quickly shot that down.

Jungkook sat on your bed, holding your hand, mind buzzing with all of these thoughts. He felt defeated. He felt lost. But at least when he was with you, those fears seemed to disappear.

He heard you start to snore which made him chuckle. Reluctantly, he arose from your bed to officially depart ways. Before heading out he noticed a little pad of paper and a pen conveniently next to your computer atop a desk in your room. Looking back to make sure you were still asleep, he quickly jot down an explanation as to why he had left. It helped ease the heart break of parting ways, if only just slightly. He ran out your back door, ignoring the car he had parked out front, he had texted one of his hyungs to pick it up before morning.

As he reached the tree line, he longingly looked back at your house which was now a distant building, slightly fuzzy from the atmosphere. What he wouldn't give to be curled up next to you instead of where he was now.


I woke up in my own bed, confused on how I had gotten here. It is then I remember I had probably fallen asleep while watching the movie with Jungkook. Oh how embarrassing. He probably thinks I'm so bored of him that he put me to sleep.

He's no where to be seen as I look around my room. Maybe he slept on the couch? I'm feeling embarrassed, what a great host I am..

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my burning eyes.
My legs swung over the side of the bed and I stretched my back before standing up, fully intending to head to the kitchen to make some coffee, and hopefully find a sleeping Jungkook on my couch. As I was about to leave my room, a little notepad I have sitting next to my computer, which I had bought for spontaneous story ideas, catches my attention. I had only just purchased it, so I had not had the opportunity to write anything down, but there seems to be something written. Upon further inspection I can see that it is a note from Jungkook.


I sincerely apologize for not being there when you wake up. I had some urgent things to sort out with my brothers. I couldn't bring it within myself to wake you. I hope my rude exit can be forgiven. Stay safe.

As always,

I pick up the note so I can read it a second time. My tired state had left me a little illiterate, and his hand writing is a little messy and hard to read. I blushed when the full comprehension of what he wrote processed in my brain. He had to leave so he had left me a hand written note, how sweet.

I gently tore the note off the pad, careful not to tear it, and brought it with me to the kitchen so I could hang it on the fridge.

"A cup of coffee and a cute note, it's a great morning already." I smiled to myself.


I saw the girl walk into her kitchen, mouth curved upward into a grin.

I chuckled. What a stupid girl. So naive, so vulnerable. It was almost too easy to mask my presence so that the mongrel in love with her couldn't sense me. I had thought this to be an ambitious plan to trail-blaze, but so far there had been almost zero obstacles in my way. I stepped back into the woods, melting in with the darkness it provided.

Enjoy this fragile mask of life y/n, while you can.


Short chapter this time 😭

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