Ch.22 Search

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Miya POV

Miya gasps for air as she wakes up in a cold sweat before turning to the side to throw up what little food she had in her stomach. She sits up, putting her hands on her head, sobbing quietly. Her phone lay beside her, quiet as ever. The silence from it was deafening. Every moment she didn't get a text back from you, was another added moment of guilt eating her alive.

Miya could not even begin to articulate the guilt that harbored within her day in and day out. Much like Sehun, Deena had knocked Miya unconscious for some time. She had woken up when the puppeteer spell on Sehun had vanished but was forbidden to leave the house since. Miya had never felt so betrayed in her life after finding out what her mother had done to you, to her, to Sehun... She had known that her mother was prejudiced against werewolves, but never in her wildest dreams did Miya think she would go to the length she had gone. Miya had always known about the existence of werewolves, but she never told you. She wanted to keep you safe and unaware of this world, she didn't want you getting hurt. But everything had gone wrong and now you were the one paying the price.

Her mother had turned malicious. This wasn't the person she knew, it certainly was not. She couldn't understand why this had happened, and now without you answering her calls and texts she had no way of explaining herself to you. You probably hated her.

Miya had lost track of how long she had been kept hostage in her house for. Was it days, weeks, months? Who knows.. All she knows is that she was about to go crazy from being trapped inside these walls. She felt helpless. How could she have let her mother do this?

The sound of a door opening catches her attention. Odd...there were never any visitors, it was strictly forbidden.

As silently as she could, Miya gets off her bed standing near her door, tuning in on the voices that she could faintly hear talking. She assumed the one voice was her mother, of course it was. But the other... It sounded deep, like a man's voice. Sehun? Miya's eyes widened. To Miya's knowledge, Sehun had only been around Y/n, he was never allowed to leave her side. Why would her mother call him here in person? Miya hears the door open and close, she runs to her window and peaks out, careful not to give herself away. The pair stand outside with their backs to Miya. They aren't paying any attention to the house.

Miya's heart starts to race. Her mother isn't in the house, she isn't watching her. She would have no way of knowing if Miya slipped out. Miya slowly backs away from the window, a plan already set in mind. As quietly as she can, she walks to her door, creaking it open, trying to avoid any sound the hinges might make. She steps one foot out of her room, holding her breath, before stopping and listening for any footsteps and voices that might indicate the duo were headed back inside. Sweat is dripping down her back and the only sounds she can hear is the soft click of the clock they have on the wall. She dares another step, and another, until she is face to face with the door that leads to the back of their house.

Before giving another thought, Miya slides the door open and steps out onto the cool grass. The adrenaline in her system causes her to sprint forward to the fence that stands its way between her and freedom. She hopes over the metal and hides behind a large oak tree growing a few feet from her yard, trying to catch her breath. The few seconds she stays in place feel like an eternity before she finds enough courage to will her body forward even more. She knows exactly where she is headed.

Your house isn't that far away. Miya has walked there a few times before, but as she starts her journey, it feels like a lifetime. Every person, every noise she hears makes her jump, thinking that somehow she has been found out. She's terrified but she knows that she has to come into contact with you.

The sky turns dusky as Miya comes up upon your street. She sighs in relief, not believing her luck that she's made it here in one piece. However, her feeling of momentary comfort is replaced by fear, the hairs on the back of her neck sticking straight up. Miya can't describe why and how she knew but she caught a glimmer of light on the metal street sign that indicates where you live and instantly hid behind a large bush that lined the street. Miya crouched and surveyed the car coming into view. As it drove by her, Miya gasped out loud. She recognized that car, it was her mother's, and it was heading straight towards your house. Miya watches in crippling fear as her mother parks the car, her and Sehun going up to your door, waiting for you to open it. However, you don't open it. Miya watches her mom wave her hand, the door flying open.

Miya sits there with baited breath, not knowing what to do. There was no way she could intervene. She would only be captured and was afraid her mother would put her under some type of spell again. It isn't long before Deena and Sehun walk out. Miya gasps, flinging her hand up to her face to muffle her small scream when she sees what her mother and Sehun are carrying. Deena is dragging you by your feet while Sehun has a young man with sandy hair flung over his shoulder. They open the back door of the car and go around to sit in the front.

It takes everything in her being to stay still as the car starts and drives away. When Miya is sure that they are far from sight, she stands up on shaky legs, somehow moving forward to your house. Surely her mother wasn't dragging your body out, that must have been an optical illusion.

Miya flings your door open screaming your name over and over until her throat feels raw. But you don't answer. She goes to your bedroom searching for anything that could lead her in the right direction. She takes a step into your room before her foot comes crunching down on something. She lifts her foot up and looks down. Beneath her, covered in cracked glass is a small frame that held a picture of you and Jungkook.


Miya instantly left the house sprinting towards the forest. She knew the pack was still around, she could sense it by the way her mother was still on edge. While she didn't know where she was going or how to find them, the only thing she could do at the moment was hope.


Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I should be able to update more frequently now that I'm out of jail ^^ I'll be posting another part later tonight, I hope everyone is having a great day, thank you so much for sticking and reading my story!! 💜💜

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