Ch.23 Realize

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Jungkook POV

"So, that's 'she who shall not be named', that I keep hearing about." Serene smirks as she and Jungkook walk away from the park into the forest.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, avoiding her statement. Serene always annoyed him, but his patience was exceedingly growing smaller by the minute.

"Didn't really expect her to be human."

"Can't you just drop it?" Jungkook knew Serene just wanted a rise out of him, and he was trying very hard to not let himself be agitated, but he was already pissed off from the encounter and her bringing you up was definitely not helping.

"Don't be so sensitive Kookie" Serene walked up behind him patting his back. Jungkook sneered at her words and shrugged her hand off of him.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" He mumbled, receiving a mere laugh from her.

"Just keeping that little brain of yours in check, no need to be grumpy..." Serene paused, "well, grumpier than you usually are I guess."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, regretting ever taking her with him. "Just shut up and follow me." He demanded. Serene huffed at his words, but obeyed nonetheless. Jungkook knew that she would have no choice but to listen. While she always bantered with him, he could tell she was grateful for a pack to temporarily run with. There was also the fact that Jungkook's commands had a subconsciously alpha hold on her. Even though she wasn't a full fledged pack member, she was permanent enough to be forced under the rule of the pack's alpha. Even though Namjoon was in all techiquality the alpha, nature couldn't deny Serene the alpha blood running through Jungkook's veins, whether she realized his pull or not.

Jungkook tugged off his shirt once they hit the part of the forest where he knew no one could see them and phased midair.

He didn't wait for Serene before heading off in the direction of the house, he knew she'd be right behind him. Jungkook welcomed the sound of his thudding paws against the soil, the rhythm of it grounding him with tranquility. He needed to get his mind off of seeing you, he knew he wouldn't be able to focus on anything important with the image of you next to someone that wasn't him; and he especially didn't want his pack to mind link and see what he had witnessed today.

He had obviously sensed your presence, smelled you in the wind, but part of him thought he was imagining it. It wouldn't have been the first time he had envisioned you being there when you really weren't. Serene insisted on walking down that stupid path, the one where they came into contact with you. Maybe he subconsciously wanted to run into you. Who knows.

He almost lost it when Serene ran into you, practically knocking you over, but when he saw Sehun put his hands on you, he thought he was going to cause a scene right there. But he made a point in trying not to look at you, as he knew his resolve would shatter seeing you in the flesh.

He mentally cursed himself towards the end when he couldn't help a growl rumble through his throat. Jungkook had always been insecure with your presence around Sehun, and seeing you with him after not being with you for weeks, it was all too much.

He had wondered what you thought of him today. You probably thought he was pathetic. Jungkook knew he had been losing weight like crazy, all of his former clothes becoming increasingly baggy on him. He couldn't sleep either, his face was always ridden with purple bruises under his eyes. You were probably disgusted, glad that you had got rid of him.

He slowed his pace a few miles from the pack house, so that Serene could catch up to him. He didn't want Namjoon to see him alone without her by his side; he was too mentally exhausted to deal with any kind of repremandanment.

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